What have you guys found to be your favorite books/activities/toys/etc to take to Church to entertain your kids?
We've been pretty bad the last year or so at getting to Church, and just lately we've started getting much better about it. However, L is now a pain in the butt when asked to sit still for longer than 5 seconds, so Church has been... unpleasant. I think part of it is that she's not used to having to sit still and behave in Church yet, so we're making it a priority to go EVERY week. I would like to be able to pay attention to the sermon though, and to not have to sit in the back so I can escape when she starts freaking out...
Right now our favorites are:
A couple small board books that she can hold on her own
A small magnetic puzzle book
Small favorite dolls/loveys
I *think* she's starting to get old enough to work on some simple activities.
I'd love to hear what everyone else brings with them to keep their kids quiet!