My DS just started to pronounce popsicle correctly. He used to always say "popsible".
My other favorite word he says is "dambaid" instead of bandaid.
What is your favorite mispronunciation?
My DS just started to pronounce popsicle correctly. He used to always say "popsible".
My other favorite word he says is "dambaid" instead of bandaid.
What is your favorite mispronunciation?
persimmon / 1129 posts
My 3.5year old says "catasterpiece" instead of catastrophe. It is the best.
@Alba4: My daughter called popsicles "hapakas" for a long time!
nectarine / 2667 posts
"Cantaloupe" for "antelope"
"Cah-mote control" for "remote control"
We can't bring ourself to correct him
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
My son can't say pattern and says "pad-win"
He also says "pe-cano" for volcano
He's 5, so there's not many words he mispronounces anymore. It's so cute when he does!
persimmon / 1310 posts
My two year old is always talking about "smack" in place of "snack". I love it.
kiwi / 549 posts
Hangaburger for hamburger even now at 4y/o
He used to call strawberries baa-bees maybe until 2.5-3?
pear / 1648 posts
@Alba4: It hasn't come up recently but DD always calls bandaids "band-a". She's also grown out of "po-tail" (ponytail) but it will forever be DH's favorite.
Lately I'm loving hearing "fravorite", mainly because she says it so emphatically
nectarine / 2280 posts
@JessyMess: that's quite the interruption! So cute!
Mine still says scream instead if screen. Sunscream touchscream
I love it so much!
cherry / 100 posts
We went to Rita's for free ice Day a few weeks ago and my 3 yr old keeps asking to go back to Burritas. Close but not exactly the same...haha.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
My almost 2.5 yo tells us she has a surprise for us, but she actually says "I have a pah-rize fah youuuuu!" It's adorable.
pear / 1503 posts
My favourite for months has been "ba-back" for backpack. He's starting to say it properly now most of the time even though I still call it ba-back. Makes me sad!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
My 5yo has dropped almost all of them but persists in saying squiggles for skittles. It came up this week after her school egg hunt and I may have to buy more for Sunday to hear it again! I miss all that. My favorite for her being 2yo was calling makeup mee-mac.
My current 2yo mispronounces everything pretty much and I loooooove it.
nectarine / 2460 posts
DS only recently started correctly pronouncing "lunch" instead of "munch." It was my favorite But my new favorite is "scoop" instead of "scoot" when he needs to be pushed forward to the table
honeydew / 7463 posts
Crackers are often crappers.
Purse and Percy are Curse and Cursey for some reason. Something about the pur- sound he says with a C no matter what.
Cannonball is cammenfallllll (like if he's jumping off of something)
Nipples are nickles (as in - mommy you have big nickles)
He says Doc McStuffins like "docky stuffins"
My nephew when he was much younger used to call toothpaste "pooptaste"
pomegranate / 3411 posts
One of my favourites used to be when my 1.5 year said "kah" for milk. I think we emphasized the K sound too much so that's what he took from it.
nectarine / 2641 posts
LO1 used to say "I YUV whatever" instead of love. It was the cutest and the best. I miss it.
pear / 1750 posts
I love this thread!
@Jess1483: Mine says "yub" for love
My 2 year old has some great ones. Every word starting with T or C is pronounced with an H: hain for train, heen for green. Mac n cheese is monkey cheese, and yogurt is "yobitch"
pineapple / 12566 posts
My DD still has problems with the C sound. So snack is "snat". But my favorite is when she does it in French and says "totolat" (chocolate) and "toupay" (couper = cut).
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
DS1 is 2.5
Snapchat = snack cat
French fry = hrench hry
Class photo on fridge = my fwends!
Jeans = deen pants
Lunch = wanch
Itsy bitsy spider = squiggle iggle iggly stider
Yogurt = oh-gurt
Socks = stocks
Lollipop = Odie pop
Fruit snacks = hoot snack
Marshmallow = mosh mennow
Milk = Muck
Water = Waddo
Tomato = Tayto
Carrot = Kye-kut
Peanut butter = peedat dutter
Popcorn = hay corn
Strawberries = sahhhhhhbooty
bananas / 9227 posts
DD used to say 'topis' for potatis (Swedish for potato) and 'skepti' for spaghetti. She pronounces them properly now
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
She says "alsoly" instead of also
Also "thank um" instead of thank you (I think it's an elision of thank you and you're welcome?)
honeydew / 7504 posts
These threads are my favorite.
Bandylion for dandelion
Dark Mader for Darth Vader
Hullohomora for Alohamora (Harry Potter unlocking spell)
pop holder for pot holder
pack pack for back pack
apricot / 461 posts
My favorite has always been when my son used to say "fpoon" for spoon.
apricot / 483 posts
DD (4) still mispronounces and I don't correct her bc it's adorable:
Umgwella = umbrella
pack pack = backpack
safety capped = handicapped
quesadeeda = quesadilla
washclub = washcloth
helmick = helmet
DS (1.5) is just starting on the words but my favorite is that he doesn't quite say Grandma yet, but somehow he got it in his head that grandma is the same word as mama, but you have to growl it really loud. So he sees a picture of grandma and growls at the top of his lungs "mamaaaaa"
pomegranate / 3921 posts
I remembered another one. "Kiwi" is "kee-nee" for some reason. Ha!
coconut / 8854 posts
My 22 month old is obsessed with moons!! Loves them, asks you to draw them 24/7! But she pronounces it "h-ahm"...kind of like hum, but with an "ah" in the middle. I love it!
GOLD / pear / 1845 posts
"Tomornow" is our longest running mispronounciation. I love it so much, our 7 and 5 year olds both say it. For a while the oldest also said "lastnighterday" which is more like it's own word. And our youngest called church "turch"
persimmon / 1495 posts
Love these! My 3.5 yo still says narbles instead of marbles. And not exactly a mispronounciation, but he's been saying "one for per customer"and I love it.
apricot / 370 posts
My oldest:
E-ver (Either)
Blankelet (Blanket)
And the little one today:
Manya (Minnie)
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