Hellobee Boards


favorite things about TTC?

  1. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @RonniLeigh: they didn't say why but they were both adamant that I would, even after I said are you sure because they don't run in the family and that's a pretty specific thing to say (easily proved wrong). I was a bit worried with the firs one as I thought it might mean I'd need treatment but now that I'm at that point anyway... I don't normally believe in that stuff but... Well I did google double prams just in case

    @Crystal: I don't believe it enough for that to effect me, as long as they saw something I'd easily convince myself they ha the month wrong!

  2. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Snowdrop: I don't believe in this stuff either, but TTC makes me crazy, lol.


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