Time for a new thread...
How long have you been trying?
Plan for this cycle?
What are you looking forward to this month?
Time for a new thread...
How long have you been trying?
Plan for this cycle?
What are you looking forward to this month?
pear / 1881 posts
CD/DPO: CD 24 and I'm not entirely sure when I ovulated, but between 7DPO - 9DPO.
How long have you been trying? Cycle #18
Plan for this cycle? I will be testing either this weekend or Monday. DH leaves for Denver for a conference on Monday morning - super early- so I'm hoping to test Sunday. It might be too early, though. My temperature does keep going up and my progesterone levels shot up this month, which means I might have released more than one egg (giving me a better chance at conception).
What are you looking forward to this month? I have a DD, so getting her valentines together. I'm in the midst of tax season, so just want to soak up any time with her and DH.
Good luck to everyone out there
nectarine / 2465 posts
How long have you been trying? 1 year this month, not sure the number of cycles
Plan for this cycle? DH has a low sperm count and he is seeing the urologist next week (finally!) He has been taking Fertiliaid for 3 months, so hopefully it will kick in the cycle! I also had my HSG last month so really really hoping I am one of the lucky ones with a bfp
What are you looking forward to this month? We are going to the BVI in in 12 days SO excited!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@NorthStar: Good luck this weekend! Your temperature rising sounds promising!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
CD/DPO: not realy tracking this month, but I think cd 14?
How long have you been trying? 20 months. Wow, I havent written it out like that before...
Plan for this cycle? Getting a hysteroscopy in two weeks, then starting clomid as soon as the dr allows it.
What are you looking forward to this month? Starting a new job in March!
kiwi / 673 posts
CD/DPO: CD23ish/?
How long have you been trying? 10ish months
Plan for this cycle? We just started working with an RE for PCOS. I don't ovulate on my own, so first cycle with clomid and metformin. This month was BD every day from CD 9 on. We also used Softcups, Preseed, Green tea, and a low glycemic diet. I have bloodwork on CD 25 (this Wednesday). My RE didn't want me to temp this month, so no idea if I've ovulated, which is driving me bonkers!
What are you looking forward to this month? Maroon 5 concert!
pear / 1881 posts
I had a BFN on a Wondo yesterday, which would was probably 11DPO. Do that you think that if I was preggo, that would have been positive or is it too early? I know that they are super sensitive and don't show BFP's as early.
My husband left for a conference in Denver for the rest of the week, so I don't know if I should wait for AF to show or test with a CBE test. I bought some this morning... If it ends up being a BFP, I'm going to go nuts waiting to tell him. Although, with my luck, I'll be rolling over. ugh
clementine / 849 posts
CD/DPO: CD 20, finally got my first positive OPK this morning which means my cycle should be longer than normal (31 days instead of 27)
How long have you been trying? 11 cycles, 10 months
Plan for this cycle? Keep on keepin' on. I'm in my 2nd cycle with acupuncture and herbs... AF came a good 6 days early this month which I am told is normal when you start acupuncture... wondering why my O date was so late though!? But I'll continue eating really well, getting my BMI up (have struggled to keep a healthy weight since running a marathon last spring), and zening out with yoga and acupuncture. We've been doing a lot of "hip openers" at yoga which is awesome.
What are you looking forward to this month? Going into the city for a real Valentine's Day date. Life's been stressful lately and DH and I could really use a real romantical evening
pomelo / 5129 posts
Hey ladies. I wanted to check in, but am not sure how active I'll be this month since I won't be testing again until mid-march.
CD/DPO: CD1 (boo!)
How long have you been trying? 12 months
Plan for this cycle? We'll see come next week. We officially have unexplained infertility as of today (I wasn't sure when the year began...if it was from the first day of the cycle we got pregnant last year, the time we conceived, the time I miscarried, or when we started trying after MC. But now it's been a year since the last event). I see my doc for a cyst follow up next week and will be asking him WTF.
What are you looking forward to this month? First, the doctor's appointment. I'm hoping he can help us come up with a plan. Though even if he does, I'm not sure if DH will be on board with jumping in with both feet right away. We're also in the process of packing/staging our house so we can hopefully sell and buy something bigger in March/April. I have a feeling DH would prefer to wait until we're settled, but at the same time, neither of us is getting younger so he may say we might as well get going since wanting a kid is part of the reason for getting a bigger place!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Me, too. Checking in and supporting but I won't be testing until March. I'm on cd 5 of this cycle, but we are waiting until the next one to start TTC again after the last miscarriage. I'll be doing a monitored clomid cycle in March. to everyone!!
kiwi / 739 posts
Supporting this month! I'm on CD 3 of 11mos of trying but my DH is gone the entire week of ovulation. So just OPK testing and trying to understand my cycle better.
Looking forward to Garth Brooks at the end of the month!
apricot / 452 posts
I'll mostly be cheerleading this month, since I'm already a rollover. I should O sometime next week or the week after, so I won't test again until March.
How long have you been trying? This is cycle 22; trying since May 2013
Plan for this cycle? Have to do a 24 hour urine collection tomorrow to get a baseline of my kidney function (since I had pre-e last time), and found out we'll have to have weekly progesterone injections starting week 16 if I get pregnant again (since I had PPROM & uninduced premature delivery last time). Also doing the Counsyl genetic testing (both of us) and some extra blood work for me (antiphospholipid antigen, etc.). Then we meet with the RE next Monday (2/16) to find out next steps. Probably BD EOD starting CD11ish, green tea, start working out + anything the RE suggests.
What are you looking forward to this month? my step son turns 10, my mom turns 64, my DH's grandma turns 87, and LO turns 3 all this month! Lots of celebrating & cake
apricot / 452 posts
@NorthStar: My fingers are crossed so tightly for you! How early you get a BFP on a wondfo depends on when you implanted. Did you have a suspected implantation dip? High temps are a great sign! You're not out yet! But I know how disappointing it is to see that negative test.
@MrsKRB: Hoping you get a lucky post-HSG BFP! Super jealous of your upcoming BVI vacation!
@Crystal: I hope the time flies for you. The waiting stinks!
@Hoots: I hope this cycle works for you! It certainly sounds like a good plan. And LOVE Maroon 5!
@YogiRunner: I've been Oing late recently too. I'm going to ask my RE about it, because it's definitely atypical for me. I have the opposite problem - I need to get my BMI down (ever since I met DH and his awesome cooking and hate for the gym). I wish people with opposite problems could balance each other out.
@MaryM: Boo to CD1!! Looks like we'll be testing around the same time next month, though (since I'm CD4). Unexplained IF is so frustrating. Good to know there's not a problem, but bad to be told you're "normal" but having no success month after month. I know the feeling! <hugs> New house sounds exciting! What kinds of things are you looking for in a house (other than bigger)?
pomelo / 5129 posts
@ballerinabee: We're in a townhouse now and it's just too small for DH and I. So we need either a newer/larger townhouse, or DH would really like a single family.
We want at least 3 BR (only have two now) and 2 full baths is our DREAM!
I bought my townhouse 3 years before we got married, so it never really felt like "ours"...it's always been mine. I think that's what we want the most. Something where we both totally feel at home.
pomelo / 5129 posts
Also, as part of my unexplained IF, I'll be asking my doc if he can do the antibody test for celiac. My Niece was just diagnosed and we're not sure where the genetic link is coming from.
Has anyone else looking into a link between gluten and IF? I'd be interested to learn more about others' experiences.
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@NorthStar: this is so not baby related but what kind of business is your hubby in? I was supposed to go to a conference in Denver this week and sent someone else
I'm here as a cheerleader for you ladies!! 26 months and I got a BFP. If you have unexplained...push for a second opinion. I wasn't going to until some people on HB convinced me to, and boy am I glad I did. I finally got a real answer from the second RE I went to.
FX for all of you!
pear / 1881 posts
@babycanuck: He's an engineer for a steam plant, so he's going to this: IDEA's 28th Annual Campus Energy Conference.
Did you do anything different to get pregnant this time? I'm SO happy for you after trying for so long. It certainly becomes discouraging!
pear / 1881 posts
@ballerinabee: Thank you I seemed to have a dip around 2/2 or 2/3, per my temps, but I wasn't super consistent in taking them at the same time. I also was sick, so my sleep was crap. I think that I'm going to hold off until Wednesday morning to use my CBE tests. My temp this morning did seem to dip some (but not to my pre-O levels), but I couldn't temp this weekend since my daughter was waking at odd times (and I was still sick). Unfortunately FF didn't give me a clear O date or coverline, so I'm guessing on all of this. But, with a progesterone level of 40, I clearly ovulated. It's just a matter of when.
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@NorthStar: I guess Denver is a big hub for conferences? lol I'm in the commercial real estate industry
I didn't do anything different...I will say I didn't think it was my month though. I had a CP in January, and FF said my timing was way off, but BAM unexpected surprise.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@MaryM: I stalk all the poas threads, so I saw your question about celiac and IF. DH's cousin has celiac and IF. They had to go with IVF. I'm not sure what the exact cause was, but I know for sure that she didn't ovulate on her own. I want to say that she has endo, but I'm not at all sure on that. SIL was worried that she'd have trouble as well, since she has (severe) celiac too, but she had no issues conceiving. So if there's a link it's not always there.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@Torchwood: Thanks for the input! I do ovulate (with the help of metformin, i also have PCOS)
persimmon / 1259 posts
Cheerleader here! I'm starting an IVF cycle, but won't be testing until Mid-March and will probably keep my posts over on the IVF board. I am always ALWAYS cheering for you ladies, whom I consider friends.
clementine / 849 posts
@sarahnicole218 Best of luck with your IVF cycle!! Sending you good vibes. Make sure to let us know when you get your happy news
cherry / 189 posts
@MaryM: I'm not quite at the TTC 6 months + stage (5 and counting..) but I thought my experience re: gluten and infertility might be helpful to you or someone else, I hope that's ok!
I had a thyroid test done in January that came back with my tsh level too high to conceive/sustain a pregnancy ( I suspect it might have had a hand in my mc in November but no way of really knowing). My nutritionist friend has dealt with thyroid issues for years herself, and has found that going gluten free has had a significant impact on her levels. It has something to do with similar autoimmune responses to gluten and thyroid hormones. Long story short, I tried going gluten free for the last month, and just found out that my tsh levels have evened out to almost the optimal zone already!
So obviously thyroid issues don't relate to everyone, and I am not celiac, but going gluten free has helped me drastically already. Now just crossing my fingers that it did enough to give me a good shot at a bfp in the next few months
pear / 1881 posts
Well, I'm out onto cycle 19, I think. I am trying to figure out if I should meet with my ob mid March, or the re's next appt is end of April. In the meantime, it sounds like we do nothing, except keep trying
kiwi / 739 posts
@NorthStar: I'm so sorry!
I always feel better with a plan. Will the Ob give you any additional insight or ideas? Maybe even another viewpoint can help? If your ob personality won't help- then I say wait until April for RE.
So frustrating.
pear / 1881 posts
@LibbyLou: I'm not sure? Honestly, I'd like to schedule both appointments to at least feel like I'm doing something. I haven't actually talked with my OB since September and have been doing communications with the nurse since then (who then talks with the OB) to figure out a month to month plan. I'm just so frustrated. I know that I should be thankful that I have my daughter, but like all parts of infertility, it's hard when plans don't go the way you want.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@NorthStar: Is there anyway you can get in with your RE earlier? Waiting sucks
I ovulated yesterday, we had perfect timing (O-3, O-1, O), and now we wait! I leave for vacation in exactly 1 week so at least I have something to keep my mind occupied
pear / 1881 posts
@MrsKRB: I don't know? We don't have an RE in town, so one comes up here once a month (from the sounds of it). She isn't slated to start coming up here until end of April (prior RE retired, I think). I work tax season, so I can't really drive very far away to get in with a different one.
apricot / 452 posts
@MaryM: Looking for houses is so much fun (to me), but moving itself stinks! I definitely understand wanting to find something that's "ours" instead of "mine". I hope that you find something great!! I don't know anything about celiac & IF, but am interested to hear what you find. My SIL has celiac in her family, so it will be good info for me to store away for her in the event they have any issues.
@babycanuck: congrats again, I'm so excited for you! How are you feeling?
@sarahnicole218: excited to follow your IVF journey. I hope it's a quick one!
@CObee: that's fascinating! I wonder if gluten free would help my energy levels, since it seems to have an effect on thyroid hormones... I'll have to ask my dr.
@NorthStar: oh hon, I'm so sorry. I would try to get in to see your OB as soon as you can so that you don't feel like you're wasting cycles if there's something more they can do for you. Maybe your OB can consult with the RE by phone to do some testing / interventions now, before she comes up in April. <hugs>
AFM, I did my 24 hour urine collection yesterday - today and dropped that off at the lab this morning. Between the RE & the MFM docs I had to have TWENTY vials of blood drawn this morning. 3 sticks in 2 arms, and I nearly passed out. I'm all kinds of bruised and cranky Hopefully it's worth it! We meet with the RE on Monday, which can't come soon enough!!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@ballerinabee: Pretty good! No real symptoms as of yet so...yeah lol
pear / 1881 posts
@ballerinabee: omg on the vials of blood! They have had to take mine in my hand with a syringe lately, so I cannot even imagine! I can't wait to hear about how your appointment goes on Monday!
I am going to try to push to setup both appointments. I ordered some supplements for DH last night and fertility tea for me to see if that does anything. I just can't handle doing nothing!
pear / 1881 posts
Cross posting from another board:
Nurse called and I have two appointments scheduled. one for march 5th with my OB and April 30th with an RE that is coming into town. I have 3 cycles (including this one) to get pregnant before that April 30th date as that appointment will be about CD 26 of that cycle. I am SO hoping that now with a date set that I will be able to cancel it!
has anyone attempted any of the fair haven health stuff? I did order my husband some FertilAid for Men, although, his numbers were in the normal range. I figured it wouldn't hurt. I did order fertile tea for myself as well..
kiwi / 631 posts
Hello ladies. I plan on roll calling next month, but I thought I would support those of you who are POASing this month. DH and I were TTC for 6 cycles before we got a BFP in late November that ended in an early MC just shy of 6 weeks. I've been on a TTC break since, but I'm excited to get back in there at the end of this month.
@NorthStar: I'm sorry. Hopefully you wouldn't have to go to your appointments, or they will become different appointments!
@ballerinabee: All those blood draws sound horrid!
@MrsKRB: Your timing looks great, good luck. Have fun on your vacation.
nectarine / 2465 posts
@NorthStar: It always happens that way, hopefully it will mean you get your bfp too My dh had a SA <5mil back in November so he's been taking Fertiliaid, Acetyl L-Carnitine and fish oil since then, he's getting a second SA in a few weeks so I will let you know. Although, even without the SA he's drive has definitely gone up a lot.
@auggiefrog: Sorry about your mc Good luck next month, I like your positivity
clementine / 849 posts
How are you ladies doing? As for me, another short LP (9) and we're on to cycle 12 as of this morning.
I don't know why but I'm not as devastated as I normally am. Maybe it's because my acupuncturist told me the effects take a full 3 months, or because we already have the initial consultation with the RE scheduled for Monday. Knowing we're doing something does help... Just praying it works.
Trying to stay positive
pear / 1881 posts
@YogiRunner: I'm sorry At least you do have an appointment setup with an RE and that should get things moving along for you.
How long have you been seeing an acupuncturist? I've been seeing one since Thanksgiving time and love it! It really seemed to help my progesterone levels. Do you find it relaxing?
nectarine / 2192 posts
@YogiRunner: Hug! Glad you're keeping good perspective. I find it so hard to do, especially when you're dealing with AF/hormones.
I have my HSG Friday. I've had a few implantation dips, and that along with a 10-12 day LP has us thinking that insufficient progesterone may be the problem. We did 3 months worth of progesterone last spring, but I was dealing with major stress then. Also, I saw my acupuncturist shortly after that, and she said one of the main fertility meridians was out. I'm really hoping HSG + progesterone = BFP.
kiwi / 673 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: with the HSG!!!!
AF showed up Thursday, so at least I ovulated this month. I start Clomid again today and have an appointment with my RE on Monday to come up with a firmer game plan.
clementine / 849 posts
@northstar I really love going to acupuncture, it is SO relaxing. I feel all floaty and happy afterwards, and lying under a heat lamp with low lights and nice music after a busy work day is always nice. My only "complaint" is that I didn't know my cycle would go all crazy because of it. I got AF super early the second cycle I went (4-5 days early, only 6 day LP!) and then that same cycle I didn't ovulate till CD 22. Usually it's 15-16. I was told it takes 3 cycles for it to have an effect though, bc it takes 3 months to produce a healthy follicle. Who knows.
Met with the RE yesterday and was able to get blood drawn bc it was CD3, so happy that's moving. My HSG is Monday.
@AmeliaBedilia good luck with your HSG this week! I am kind of nervous... does doing the exam itself have any effect on your chances that cycle? I heard it "clears things out" in your favor.
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