I EP so I have a good idea of how much LO eats at each feeding and how much I'll send to daycare each day, but occasionally, he eats his normal amount and then acts like he'd eat the bottle and my hand and anything else within arms' reach as well, so we offer him a little more, usually about a half ounce more. That satiates him and off to dreamland he goes.

Because he's on fortified breast milk, anything he leaves in a bottle has to be tossed. Since its formula added to breast milk, if its heated up, it either gets eaten or thrown away. I'd hate for them to offer him another full bottle (say I send 3 bottles of 4oz each) and him only eat 1/2 an ounce and them toss 3.5 oz...

Should I just make his bottles with the extra half ounce he occasionally wants/needs (its maybe once every other day he has a big feed) or send an extra bottle with just a spare ounce? Or maybe send a few of the premixed formula bottles, to be used in case of emergency? LO isn't a fan of formula but the premixed stuff could stay in his cubby for months and he'd always have something there if he needed a little extra at a feeding.

I don't want him to go hungry but this fortified breast milk stuff gets tricky. It also has to be eaten within 24 hours of being mixed, so I can't just leave an extra bottle there.

So complicated