I have had the worst night's sleep ever and I need to rant!!

We came to bed at around midnight. DD usually wakes around that time for a feed so I stayed awake, waiting for her. She didn't wake until 1.45am. After that I couldn't go back to sleep because DH kept grabbing me (in his sleep!). I inched away but he kept snuggling up again, until I was nearly falling off the bed - I was far too hot and his wandering (completely asleep) hands were annoying the crap out of me! I had to wake him up to make him stop. Then he started snoring like an angry walrus. Agh! I last remember looking at the clock at 3.40am and i must have drifted off around 4.....

...... then at 5.20am my mum text me to tell me she is wearing jeans today. WTF?? What the actual f??? I was just dozing off when i heard a crash - DD's dummy hitting the nursery wall! This was followed by a series of happy squeals that gradually turned to "I need my dummy" wails..... It was 6am.

Its now 6.50am and DHs alarm has just gone off (he pressed snooze of course) - and no I haven't been back to sleep. I did, however, reinsert the dummy a few times. Oh and yes the alarm did wake her again..... she's currently making high pitched "ahhhhh" noises. Im not going back to sleep, am I?

Im tired!!! Why does my entire family seem intent on keeping me awake???