I was going to write a post asking about awake times in babies, but this post is what is coming out of me right now.

I have to stay that yesterday and today I have just felt like a failure at this mother thing. I don't think it helps that LO is a little harder than most. She's not colicky, but she is a little high needs (she needs a fair amount of attention at all times) and her sleep is so-so (pretty decent at night but I am trying to break her from needing to be held for naps). She also cries instead of falling asleep so doing things out in public can be a bit difficult. She's also a little smaller than normal.

It's hard to see people with easy babies out in public or at Mom meet-ups or to read on here about people with babies that are bigger or sleep 12 hours straight at night already and are the same age as LO. I feel like I am not doing enough or doing this Mom correctly (part of which is probably true).

LO turns three months today, so I guess I'm feeling like I should be better at this by now.