UGH. I have no idea what to do about birth control.

We don't know if we are done or not, so vasectomy/tubal ligation is not an option. More than likely, we want another in 3ish years.

I am not okay with the risks involved with Mirena/IUD, so I really don't want to entertain it as an option.

NFP scares me. I don't want an "oops!"

Condoms just plain suck.

I have read the mini-pill contains soy, and my LO is SEVERELY intolerant to soy proteins. Does anyone know anything about this?

I am BFing and don't want to take a pill that could affect my supply.

What are you choosing to use as birth control between pregnancies? Are you happy with your option? Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am just feeling bummed about the whole thing. We haven't used any protection since LO was born and I know that is a terrible idea. We need to come up with a solution, STAT!