wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@codeitall: thanks! Technically my oldest started K but after school costs and summer camps aren't free! I estimate we'll still spend about $4k in care for her.
cherry / 129 posts
Mine are to (a) survive unpaid maternity leave, (b) get to zero credit card balance, and (c) pay all our medical bills from giving birth. Our deductible/out of pocket is high so it will cost us at least 10k to have the twins, even with insurance.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@LML: oh my! That's a tough one for sure. It really is crazy how expensive kids are!
apricot / 340 posts
To pay off our car loan.
I'm scared of how much we'll have to pay for summer camp and full-time daycare for our 2 sons this summer. So even though, I'm paying additional principal on our car loan....I may need to hold back during the summer. Decisions, decisions!
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Buy a home and stop paying rent. There are pros to renting but I think we're just about ready.
Increase Dh's deferred comp contributions. (He already pays quite a bit into pension.)
Number one: stick to our budget. If we do that we will be ok.
pomelo / 5258 posts
1, Don't make any stupid financial mistakes like not submitting the forms for our dependent care money like last year (OUCH).
2. Consolidate my four 401(k)s. This has been on my list for several years but the number keeps growing.
3. Increase our annual charitable giving by $500, trying increase that amount annually.
4. And DH just chimed in that we should do a will this year.
grape / 95 posts
We don't really have a financial goal for 2017. We happy with our financial situation that we're in.
We Debt-free, zero debt. No school debt (none of us have a college degree). No credit cards debt.. Cars are paid off, long paid off.
Rent and All bills are pay on time early every month way before the due date; once we get the bills we pay it right away mail out the payment the next day.. Credit card bills, same thing. Mail out payment next day way early before the due date. We have excellent/perfect credit scores.
Everything are all pay on time way early every month actually. Never once we have a late payments, let alone a missed payment.
My husband make decent income, he make 100K a year. Despit we live in a HCOL state California, but life is comfy for us due to we both Debt-free. And we both are not big spender.
He very responsible with money, he work hard to secure for our future. To make sure we always be in a comfortable fiancial position.
His checking account it just where he pays Rent and all bills. His saving accounts and his retirement accounts are where all his life saving money are at.
He has two Saving accounts, and both accounts have more than decent saving money in it save for emergency/rainy days.
He has two 401k accounts and one IRA account saving for retirement, and all three has more than decent money retirement saving in it, espcially his IRA account.
He has Life insurance, Health insurance. He has excellent/perfect credit scores.. Despite he has more than decent money in his saving and retirement accounts, he still added on Life insurance just in case. He is a huge planner.
We never over spend. We budget everything.. Every month money go in what in what, we have everything budget lay out all ready.
We do live BELOW our means. We rent in the cheapest monthly rent place. No, we dont' need to live in a high-end place with swimming pools and work out gyms and all that shit, lol. we don't care those stuff.. I told my husband why pay the top expensive rent monthly when we can find a place with much lower/cheaper rent? It helps each month to add MORE money into your savings if we paying lower rent.
Perhaps I'm cheap, but to me having 'cash' in our saving accounts is more important than live in a high-end place.. It not just money in Saving accounts, it also money in 401k and IRA retirement too, the more retirement savings we have the better we be in our old age.
I'm very frugal. I'm a coupon person; I cut coupons, I save coupons, I use coupons.. I save every dollar as I can.
My husband make 100K a year and I'm here cutting coupons out of weekly grocery ads, lol.. even coupons like buy one get one half off, or .75 cents off I still cut out and use to save.
I'm not a huge planner like my husband, but I'm frugal.
Is Debt-free and making 100K a year income comfy to others? Probably not, but to us it comfy. And being Debt-free sure help alot.. And what added further to the help it our lifestyle, we both are not big spender and we live Below our means. We hate hate debt, so our goal is lifetime Debt-free.
I do have a goal (this is my goal, this is what I want)--my goal is to buy a condo for my mother in-law. My husband only have his mom the only blood immediate family member he have left.. I really want to fulfill this goal to get her a condo, so she don't have to worry about rent in her old age.
Sure, she have her own comfy apartment, she one person by herself and live in a big comfy apartment.. BUT don't want to see her live in rent apartment for the rest of her life, I want her to enjoy her aging age rent-free. I want her to have a place to live without have to worry about rent.
My mother in-law has family/relatives in Georgia (her side of the family). She thinking of when she retired she will relocate to Georgia, and enjoy her retirement age close to her side of the family.. We plan to buy her a condo there when she retired. A condo in the South (Georgia) is much much less expensive compared to where we live California.
So yeah, that is my goal, continue saving in 2017, keep saving so when my MIL retired, we set to buy a condo for her.
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