Hellobee Boards


Fireworks & BFPs!! July 2014 POAS

  1. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    @onthemove: Congratulations on your

  2. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @onthemove: CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you will join us on the March Due Date board whenever you feel ready. So happy for you!

  3. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Alright well I tested, and it was which doesn't surprise me. I am going to test again on the 28th which will be day 42 of my cycle. I didn't temp this cycle so I don't have an ovulation day at all. Next cycle I will!

  4. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: I definitely see a line and looks like it has color tomorrow

  5. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @onthemove: congrats

  6. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    I've only been lurking so far, but just got some super faint positives today (8 dpo, 6 days before missed period.) My husband didn't really believe me, until I showed him a real negative, haha. This is our second (DS is 19 months). Due date is March 25 by LMP and 27th by date I ovulated (last time my OB ignored me when I told her ovulation date, so my official date is likely to be the 25th).

  7. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Jess1483: congrats!!! Come join the March baby board!

  8. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @onthemove: Congrats!!!

  9. onthemove

    pea / 20 posts

    Thanks for the congrats, guys! I tested again this morning and the line was unmissable, so I'm feeling better about it all. I still can't really believe it though!

    @KelLeeLeee Can't wait to see your FRER either way. For what it's worth, I've taken two internet cheapies that were inconclusive but have had 3 FRERs with clear lines, so you never know. I think I have a bad batch.

    @Jess1483 Congrats! That's super early!

    @Mrsbrewer Fingers crossed for you!

  10. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Negative on a FRER today AF is due any minute now, so I'm rolling over to cycle 7. Thank you all for your support and excitement, you ladies are the best!

  11. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    July 2014 POAS Roll-Call

    March and April 2015 Mamas ninja, MrsMccarthy, onthemove

    Mamas to Bee:
    7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08, googly-eyes, fotolori1, MaryM, MeredithNYC
    7/15 - mrsvdv, sunset840
    7/16 -
    7/17 - yellowbird, Annette, LuLu Mom
    7/18 - BlessedMama
    7/19 -
    7/20 - renee
    7/21 -
    7/22 - NavyRN2012
    7/23 -
    7/24 - GreenThumb, Cordie
    7/25 - anonysquire
    7/26 - As Time Goes By
    7/27 -
    7/28 - MrsBrewer
    7/29 -
    7/30 - nicolechris11212, loki
    7/31 - travellingbee

    TBD: MrsADS

    Rollovers to future BFPs: runnergirl, hellobeeboston, raspberries, Bigskygirl, Starfish, littledove, angelachase, sheskrafty, eabae, Tam, KelLeeLeee

    Cheerleaders BakerBee, Tidybee, littlek, LovelyPlum, Hoots, simplyfelicity, HappyBluebird

  12. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: :(. I'm sorry

  13. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: :(((( I'm sorry

  14. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Lots of testers today! How are you girls doing??

  15. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: sorry to hear, i was so hopeful for you! xo

  16. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @Jess1483: Congratulations to you!

    @KelLeeLeee: I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I'm with you, as my period showed up with a vengeance at like, 4am. ARGH!

    Congrats to the July pregnancies and I'll see the rollovers on the August board

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @onthemove: congrats!

  18. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @meredithNYC: Ugh, I'm sorry

    Hope we can get some good news on this board soon!

  19. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    July 2014 POAS Roll-Call

    March and April 2015 Mamas ninja, MrsMccarthy, onthemove

    Mamas to Bee:
    7/14 - MrsStar, sumer08, googly-eyes, fotolori1, MaryM
    7/15 - mrsvdv, sunset840
    7/16 -
    7/17 - yellowbird, Annette, LuLu Mom
    7/18 - BlessedMama
    7/19 -
    7/20 - renee
    7/21 -
    7/22 - NavyRN2012
    7/23 -
    7/24 - GreenThumb, Cordie
    7/25 - anonysquire
    7/26 - As Time Goes By
    7/27 -
    7/28 - MrsBrewer
    7/29 -
    7/30 - nicolechris11212, loki
    7/31 - travellingbee

    TBD: MrsADS

    Rollovers to future BFPs: runnergirl, hellobeeboston, raspberries, Bigskygirl, Starfish, littledove, angelachase, sheskrafty, eabae, Tam, KelLeeLeee, MeredithNYC

    Cheerleaders BakerBee, Tidybee, littlek, LovelyPlum, Hoots, simplyfelicity, HappyBluebird

  20. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Congrats to the weekend s!

    And major hugs to those that got AF

    I'm pretty sure I'm out. I'm not really feeling any major symptoms, and I've tested and gotten BFNs, so I'm not holding out too much hope. I just hope if AF is coming, she arrives soon. She's not due until Wednesday, but DH and I have scheduled a get away for Friday and we haven't had a vacation in SO LONG (seriously...like two years) so it would really suck to be smack in the middle of AF then.

  21. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @onthemove: It was super early, and when I tested this morning, I got one negative and one faulty test (yesterday I got 3 separate +'s). Sigh. So either I'm pregnant and the tests are just confusing, or I had a chemical pregnancy. I'm going to wait a couple of days to test again, so I think I'll hang around here a little longer. Here's hoping this morning was a fluke and I'll get a strong positive in a day or two.

  22. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @Jess1483: congrats
    Eta just seen your post. I wish you all the luck

  23. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: boo I wish you luck for the next cycle

  24. littledove

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @Tam: @KelLeeLeee: So sorry ladies! Sending good vibes your way!

  25. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: I'm so sorry honey! Treat yourself to something grand!

    @meredithNYC: sorry sweet pea! You get a treat too!

  26. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Jess1483: @onthemove: Congrats ladies!!

  27. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    question for you ladies. i think i'm officially in my fertile window. my dad ended up coming to our house for the week to help with some painting and the timing couldn't be worse! i am hoping to get some BDing in regardless... but i have some questions!
    i know some people say every other day is best for BD. and some say as much as possible. what is your preferred method? what worked best for you if you had any past pregnancies? i think my O day is Saturday (i'm not testing but my cycle is like clockwork and whenever my app predicts i O, i have a lot of ewcm that day... so I think it's pretty accurate)... when should i be BDing?

  28. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @loki: technically, it only takes once for it happen!

    When I did get a BFP, we weren't "trying" and I'm pretty sure we were only DTD maybe once a week, so that was all it took.

    since then when we've "tried", I don't worry so much about ED versus EOD, but more about hitting at least 3 days out of the fertile window (O-3 to O+1).

    If you're expected to O Saturday, I'd go ahead and DTD as much as you feel like between now and then, but try to hit a couple days starting Wed to Sunday.

    EOD is only "better" than ED if you know that there are fertility issues related to your partner.

  29. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @MaryM: oh ok, thanks so much for the info! i was never quite sure why people said every other day! we have no known issues yet so we'll just try and go for as much as possible. tmi, but my sex drive is ULTRA low so this will probably be a welcome change for DH haha.

  30. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @loki: A lot of people say EOD especially when they're not tracking anything or using OPKs because it's an easy enough way to not "miss" (and not get as exhausted!)

    I've never had a super sex drive, but so far, I've found it's different when TTC. Thankfully DH and I haven't gotten burned out yet (well, he was rather exhausted this past month! but at least it hasn't become a "chore")

  31. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @MaryM: haha ya i'm worried DH is a bit bitter... after months of me not being overly interested, i'm totally into it now. i think he'll get over it though.

  32. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @loki: I worried about that too. Especially because I didn't want DH having "performance anxiety" over TTC versus us having sex just because.

    So now I try to make sure we do it more throughout the month so he's not immediately clued in to sex vs. sex with a purpose.

  33. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @MaryM: that's smart. i probably need to get better about that. DH tried the other day and i actually said "i'm not fertile yet". SO BAD. haha.

    edit: sorry for threadjacking!
    how are the POASers for today doing?! any news?

  34. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @loki: I don't have any positives, but a lot of people I see who do get BFPs will do eod, I've done eod and every day and it didn't make a difference for me. I will say though that when we did every day dh was exhausted by the time O rolled around!

  35. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    Just got back from being away from the computer for the weekend!

    @onthemove: Congrats!

    @KelLeeLeee: So sorry for the BFN, but best of luck to you next month!

  36. littledove

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @onthemove: Congrats

  37. renee

    cherry / 181 posts

    @loki: I'm on my second cycle after getting off the pill, so my cycles are wonky still. Because of this, we started BD ED starting CD12. I ended up ovulating at CD17 or CD18. I think we missed 1-2 days. It does get a little exhausting. Once we know my fertile window, we're going to BD ED during that time.

    Good luck!

  38. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: @meredithNYC: I'm sorry ladies. July isn't turning out as I'd hoped.

    I haven't tested yet. But af isn't due yet anyway (I'm 12 dpo and I think I have a long lp.) Not sure if I will or I won't today, thinking I'd rather test with dh who is at work til I think 7? Been having symptoms but nothing I can't chalk up to other stuff, af, whatever. So we'll see.

  39. Annette

    cherry / 203 posts

    @kelleeleee @meredithnyc sorry ladies, I was really hoping both of you would get your BFPs this month! Agree with the other ladies on the board that s treat is due for you!

    AFM, I'm here at 11dpo today and I have told myself that if I don't have any spotting today (for past three cycles i have spotted on either 9-11 dpo) then I'll test tomorrow. This cycle is odd for me as its the first I've been temping so I feel like I am reading too much into my chart, but on the negative side I have had really bad cramps all day today so AF could show up anytime as well.

  40. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @googly-eyes: @Annette: Thanks, guys. It's only the middle of the month, so here's hoping there are plenty of positives to come, including both of yours

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