Moms, how did you go into labor with your first born? I'm always looking for the different signs now that I'm 39 weeks! Bloody show/mucus plug, water breaking, consistent contractions etc.
What were your first signs of labor?
Moms, how did you go into labor with your first born? I'm always looking for the different signs now that I'm 39 weeks! Bloody show/mucus plug, water breaking, consistent contractions etc.
What were your first signs of labor?
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
i woke up from a nap due to contractions the day before i was due. some pink tinged fluid leaked out when i got up. the contractions were pretty regular from the get go, so i headed into the hospital where my water broke and mucus plug passed shortly after i arrived.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
The night after my due date, my mucus plug came out...The second morning after my due date I began having very mild contractions (not at all painful, just mild cramping that came every 20 minutes) and that lasted 12 hours. I gave birth on the third day after my due date. In terms of contractions, you'll know when it happens.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
4 days past due date. Contractions that were different than BH (a bit painful and close together but not intense woke me up, they'd be close together for awhile and make me think I should go to the hospital but then they'd go away for 40 minutes), contractions grew a lot more consistent/intense over the day and probably 18-20 hours later a BS, and then 4 hours after that water broke, then went to the hospital, and then 12 hours later a baby. It was a long process
grapefruit / 4681 posts
I was induced 8 days past my due date. I had lost parts of my mucus plug in the days/weeks leading up to my due date and had my membranes stripped twice. I wish things would have progressed more naturally, so I love hearing others stories so I know what to watch out for for the nest baby.
Good luck! So close!!!
coconut / 8299 posts
Oh, i remember all my signs vividly. A month before my due date, I was at the mall and had to go bathroom BAD (#2...sorry TMI). So I drove home and I was sitting on the toilet with diarrhea for literally (no joke) 45 minutes. I thought it was really weird because I never had stomach cramps that bad before. I thought I got food poisoning or something. Then that same night (maybe a few hours later?) I passed my mucus plug. I was freaked out so I called the nurse and she said not to worry until I was getting contractions or water leaking. That same night in the middle of the night, I felt tons of movement from the baby and literally felt the baby drop lower in the pelvis. I remember telling my husband that the baby was super active that night. Then 30 minutes later...POP!! My water just GUSHED out (like all at dripping or leaking). I went to the emergency room and my contractions started right after I checked in. So everything happened really fast for me. Delivered the baby via c-section a few hours after that (he was breech)
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
My water broke (a gush -- not a trickle) so I went into the hospital after that. My contractions never started on their own, though.
bananas / 9118 posts
39 weeks, 1 day: I had light period-like cramps when I woke up that morning and the morning before. I passed my mucous plug and about 20 minutes later my water broke. I was sitting on the couch finishing up some work, I shifted position and felt a very obvious POP, followed by a slow trickle of water. The water kept trickling, soaking though many pads any time I got up or moved around. Called the doc, he said to come in since I hadn't had any real contractions. 2 hours later we went in and I was at 5cm, contractions only really started in the car on the way to the hospital.
pomegranate / 3398 posts
At 37 weeks and 5 days I was retaining massive amounts of water and wasn't able to get my legs/ankles to stop swelling. Then developed a rash moving up my legs, which is a sign of infection,.
After a lot of convincing from my now ex-mil, a trip to Kmart because I decided I needed new earrings and Little Caesar's pizza before I delivered lol , I was emergency induced with a BP of 186/123.
13hours of labor, I delivered a 7lb 9.9oz healthy baby girl.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I lost my mucus plug way before going into labor. My only signs were the constant contractions. They started at 10 pm and got close together pretty quickly.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
I lost my mucus plug about a week or so before I went into labor. Water didn't break, but I woke up to strong contractions!
cherry / 235 posts
I was induced at 40w3d, and ended up having a c-section. I'm still sad that I never was able to go into labor. LOL
apricot / 489 posts
I went to the hospital 10 days past my due date. Their plan was to induce me but as soon as I sad on the bed and the put in the IV, I had contractions. They were really intense. So they waited to see if I'd need the pitocin at all. I didn't. In hindsight, I realized that the contractions I was feeling the day of my induction were more than braxton hicks. But I wrote it off because I was feeling them for awhile.
persimmon / 1465 posts
I was induced at 40w5d. They inserted the gel, we went home. The contractions woke me up at 1 am, we went to hospital at 4am, had my waters broken at 5am, delivered LO at 5pm. When the contractions start getting serious you will know!
pomegranate / 3980 posts
I had no signs that I was going into labor until I started feeling the.contractiond, my water didn't break til later.
cherry / 190 posts
I lost my mucus plug like a week before going into labor. I had contractions starting at 430pm and finally went to the hospital at about 1030pm. Water did not break about 30 seconds before I started pushing. My daughter was born at 559am.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@obxwife: ah! 39 weeks! I bet you can't wait!!
apricot / 277 posts
Wow, so many different scenarios! Fingers crossed I see some labor signs soon. My sister and cousin both had their water break first (a trickle) and gave birth 12-18 hours later.
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
I had braxton hicks for weeks. They were so painful and uncomfortable. 2 nights before our due date they were so painful so the night before our due date we started timing them, and they never stopped... then I went to the bathroom in the morning and there was a super tiny chunk of blood on the tissue after I wiped. Since I had had zero spotting or anything during the pregnancy I knew it had to be something!
kiwi / 729 posts
I was at a routine ob appt taking an ultrasound. The baby was measuring small and the dr's didn't want to take any chances that my placenta wasn't nourishing the baby, so they made the decision to induce me. No mucus plug, no bloody show, etc. They gave me pitocin and broke my water for me. After breaking my water, the contractions came more regularly and pretty soon we were having a baby.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
I noticed some fluid earlier that day, but thought it was just some extra cervical fluid. I started having some cramping right before we went to dinner, but didn't think much of it until it was consistant. Right after we ordered our food, I felt a "pop" and went to the restroom to check it out. When I wiped, I realized I had my bloody show, and then my water started leaking all over the place. Needless to say, we didn't finish dinner...
pomegranate / 3595 posts
I was induced at 40 weeks and 6 days. My.membranes were stripped twice the last week and i had a few mild contractions the night before the induction but they never progressed. I just went in in the morning and they started the IV and pitocin and i had her at 5 pm that day. I am hoping for a spontaneous labor next time.
Good luck!
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
I had my 38 week appointment and my doctor told me I was 3cm (it may have been 4, but I forgot now) and 90% effaced. I was shocked because I didn't feel anything. Again, I was fine the next day and did some errands. While stuffing my face at lunch I got a really big urge to pee, but when I got up to go to the restroom my water broke instead...there was so much water! Contractions finally started a few hours later, but were never super consistent.
cherry / 187 posts
I had my baby 5 days early. I had no signs - was somewhat effaced, but not dilated at all, water had to be broken when I was at 9cm, and no mucus plug or anything. I just started to have what felt like strong menstrual cramps which eventually turned into real contractions. Within 24 hours of that, I had my daughter! I did have several days where I went to the bathroom several times a day. I laughed about it though because I figured that meant I wouldn't have to even think about if I would poop on the table. Haha!
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