I guess I should feel good that we made it to 12 months without diaper rash, but I have a huge case of mommy guilt because I think it's my fault! Baby Y woke up around 11 last night whining, and I went in and nursed him (he usually wakes up once a night). There was a faint poop smell but I thought it was his diaper pail and not him (I had just fallen asleep myself and wasn't really thinking very clearly). So I didn't check his diaper.

Biiiiig mistake. At 4 this morning, he's up and there's no mistaking the smell, and when I changed him, he had a rash and cried and cried when I wiped Oh, and then he pooped two more times in the next two hours, so we got to repeat the process.

Mommy fail!!!!!

(On a side note, any recommendations for remedies/creams? Right now I'm using the generic Target destin-type stuff and it smells sooooo bad.)