Last week I was talking to a friend who said that she was able to use up all of her vacation time and then start taking FMLA time off. I have been researching this and wonder if that is by law you can do that or if that is just her company.

From what I've been reading, it appears you have to take your PTO/Vacation time while you're on FMLA. After that, the company doesn't have to keep your job.

I think it would make sense that you should be able to take your PTO/Vacation first and then do FMLA. If you're on PTO, you're essentially still working for the company. If you're on FMLA, you're off completely w/o being paid by the company.

I don't have an HR department at my work. The person who does "HR" related things is married to my boss so I would prefer not to ask her (knowing she wouldn't know anyways).