Did you still go to your LO for a midnight feeding? At what point did you wean off the night feeds?

My ped wanted me to CIO with her for any middle of the night wakings, as he felt that she shouldn't need a feeding by this age and should be able to sleep straight for 10-12 hours.

I'll usually breastfeed her at 5pm after her last nap, a little bit of cereal at 6:15pm, and then one last breastfeeding at around 7pm. Unfortunately by 7pm my boobs are pretty empty and i don't think she gets that much. She woke up at 2am last night and i was hesitant to CIO because what if she really was hungry??

I know Weissbluth says that some babies need a feed up to 9 months of age, but my LO has gone some nights without needing a feed.