So, it is taking longer than anticipated to successfully conceive our second child. I'm trying to keep positive about the likelihood of having two children with an age gap larger than 2-3 years, which was the original plan. DD is 2.5 and we're opting to take a little time to get back in the saddle after a recent disappointment. Suffice to say, I foresee nearly or at least a 4 year gap, should we become lucky in the near...ish future.
Several of my friends are currently pregnant with their second, with first children just about the same age as my own. There's lots of warranted, happy talk about the ways in which their 3 year age gap will be lovely. While I can't help but wish I was in their position, I'm trying to remain optimistic about our path.
I know lots of people happily plan for 4+ year gaps, and are perfectly content. However, I'm curious to hear from those who would have initially preferred a subsequent child to arrive sooner. Are there ways you've been pleasantly surprised with a larger age gap? Were your original hesitations to space your children more significantly, unfounded? I'd love to hear about your experience.