We are in the pre-cycle phase of our first IVF/ICSI due to severe MFI. DH's father and step-mom are very strong and dogmatic in their religious beliefs and views. It's safe to say that we differ on many social and political views, but to maintain the relationship, DH and I tend to focus on common ground and not debate things we already know that we disagree about. In my mind, IVF is another animal...

When we explained the MFI diagnosis and our choice to do IVF, they registered their negative opinion. DH said he expected it, but it still blew me away. I was unprepared for them to go there, given we are in this situation because of their son's issue. Anyway, in that conversation, I (not DH) firmly stated that we are sharing our situation, not asking for their opinion. Now six weeks after that initial convo, I learned today that they have been sending DH emails, texts, etc. with their religious, anti-IVF propaganda (videos, articles, etc.) DH has been responding passively ("thanks for sharing") and did not tell me because he knew I would be upset. Now that I know, I'm outraged and about to freak out on them. Just hoping I can keep it together, for the sake of my DH, and tap into some HB wisdom here:

If you've faced this situation with close family, what have you done, even it was not going to change their mind? Stuck with peace and passivity? Address the hurtful comments? Something in the middle?

How did you relate with them while going through IVF? (We are keeping this to a close circle anyway, but DH wanted them to know. Basically my thinking now is that they'll hear about a pregnancy when the Facebook crowd would...i.e. cut them out of it.)

What has your post-IVF relationship with those family members been like?

How have you handled the issue as a couple? A united front or one-on-one?

Thanks for anything helpful that you can share from your personal experience.... I've already faced the innocent-yet-misinformed comments from others of "why don't you just adopt" or "maybe you'll have a surprise pregnancy after all." I have had pretty good conversations with those people and feel like we are all better off for it. But this is a whole other level of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and selfish ugliness.... Please help.