I am to the point where our current sleeping situation is untenable. He's waking at least 8 times a night. All but three of the wakings, he goes back down with some soothing (sometimes more than others) and the paci (no feeding); the other 3 wakings he gets feed (either I breast feed him, or DH gives a pumped bottle). The most important thing for my sanity is dropping the short, "I just want my paci" wake-ups.

I am planning on implementing the no cry sleep solution. I understand it will take some time but I feel it's better for me than CIO. My question is - do I tackle all his sleep problems at once? Or should I focus on dropping the short wake-ups first and then work on dropping one or two of the feedings? I'd love insight from all those sleep trained / are sleep training. I'm not CIO, but I know you all will have insights that will help me too.