I am livid right now. I have a 3 month old son and just went back to work. My mom watches him 2 days at her house; we drop him there in the morning and she lives close. My mil watches him the other 2 days and we had agreed she qould watch him in our apt since she isnt as close and it would save travel time. Well my husbands truck just broke down and we had to come up with a plan until we get a new one. My mom lets me take her car to work on her days. We agreed my mil would pick me up with the baby on her days and bring us home. I wasn't thrilled but it is what it is. So today was the first time of her picking me up. I had stressed the importance of carseat safety and dh made sure to show her how to use the seat she has and how to make sure it is tight. I felt like she could handle this.....

She picks me up, he is slumped over o the side becausr the straps are totally loose, and hanging off his shoulder!! Im not exaggerating, the strap was way down on his arm and everything was loose. The chest plate wasn't high enough, it was low on his belly but not that it mattered because the whole damn thing was so loose anyway. I told her it's hanging off him and she didn't think it was a big deal. She tried to blame my husband and say he is the one that set up the car seat. And then said, "well he's not going anywhere" and laughed. I said no this is not good. The straps need to be tight and need to be on his shoulders. Meanehile, the car smelled so badly of smoke I was suffocating. I got such a headache. My dh assured me his mom doesnt smoke in the car but obviously she does. If i couldn't breathe, imagine his poor lungs. I was so mad I wanted to cry. His clothes reek of smoke. She took him to visit someone too so he was in the car for awhile back and forth.

Then she tells me she wants to bring him to her house everyday because she doesnt like being in our apartment. But i told her I don't want him being driven around like that.

THEN she barely fed him! I left breastmilk and some formula as I have to supplement. I left how much he should eat and told her how much it was. She went out all day and she only brought some of tge breastmilk and one bottle of formula. Why she did that I have no idea. Makes no sense. But besides her not using all the breastmilk there was more formula too. So he didn'y have much to eat.

I am so mad right now I don't know what to do. And dh hates if I go against his mom in any way and always sticks up for her. We're going to end up getting in an argument when he gets home.

I just really needed to vent, thanks for anyone who read that.