I desperately need advice: my friend is struggling with IF and she's so sad and disappointed this cycle as it marks the one year of their TTC journey..... She feels like she'll never get a baby of her own, like everyone around her is pregnant or with a baby... And I'm no exception, I have a beautiful DS and am 13 weeks pregnant. It is difficult for her with her friends as they don't acknowledge the struggle and her feelings, I try to do my best but it was more like 5 month for us to get our BFPs and that was hard enough. I want to help her! I really do but I'm so lost! Of course everything I say seems wrong because I'll be having my second and shes not pregnant.
So I thought maybe I could give her some kind of “care” package? Some relaxing bath and chocolates of some kind or stuff like that? Maybe something TTC related so she feels supported? Or would that be counterproductive? I don't want to remind her and hurt her even more, but I'd like to show her my support by doing something and not just trying to talk to her.... I'm so lost. She's such a good person and she will be the best mother. I don't want her to suffer.
What can I do?