I'm finally getting around to putting the gallery wall going up our stairs planned and hope to get it hung in the next week or so. I have a few things I'd like to hang but am not sure if they're weird for a general space. Interested on getting your thoughts on them.
I'm considering a couple of shadowboxes. One would have my feather hairpiece from our wedding in it. It's so beautiful and I hate that right now it's hidden away in a drawer! It's small - just a little hairclip (3.5" at it's widest). The other is another little shadowbox that would hold D's hospital bracelet and maybe one of his NB hats...then we would add Babygirl's once she's born.
So are those weird for a general space? I know a lot of people do those shadowboxes with baby's bracelet and stuff, but they usually go in the nursery. Part of me feels like they are a little out of place in a shared space gallery wall. But at the same time, the photos and stuff will be pictures of our family and quotes and stuff, so having stuff that pertains to our family isn't all that weird.
What say you, Bees??