Hellobee Boards


Gear now or later?

  1. misolee

    persimmon / 1345 posts

    My LC had me pumping from day 1 to establish supply. Not quite sure why you have to wait six weeks. I had a great supply and bf relationship for my LO. (Maybe she doesn't want you using a bottle? For fear of nipple confusion? Which I don't buy). Anyways, even if that's a real thing, I would still pump and freeze it to use later.

    Also, stroller was a must. If you don't want to buy a nice one right away, I would get the snap and go. We had A travel system and used it often in the beginning.

    I would also suggest some sort of baby wearing device. Used my Ergo a lot in the beginning too.

  2. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @misolee: I don't buy into nipple confusion either. I saw my mom give my bro the breast and the bottle. The boy just wanted to eat. Lol

    The SSC was already on my buy now list b/c we're skipping a from birth stroller, I just listed a few things I was on the fence about. We're back to getting the Boba 4G. My doula aka babywearing guru prefers the Boba over the Lillebaby- I narrowed down my picks to those two.

  3. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Do you plan on babywearing from day 1? I think some of the carriers have a minimum recommended weight of 7 or 8 pounds.

  4. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @sunny: close to day 1, we'll be in the hospital for two and then our first doctor's appointment is day 4 or 5. The Boba 4G has an infant insert that starts at 7 lbs. Besides that I can borrow a wrap from the babywearing group that may be more comfortable and a better fit for brand new babies.


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