I had very mild brown spotting at 4w2d and my OB did ultrasound to make sure not ectopic. All was great!

Then I had mild red spotting at 5w1d, and was called in for another ultrasound.

The doctor said my gestational sac was 3mm the first time, and 6mm this time. Since it should grow 1mm per day, she expected it to be 9mm. My HCG was 4,000.

She's deemed me in a "gray area" on whether everything is fine or if I will miscarry. I go tomorrow for follow-up bloodwork to see if my HCG is doubling properly, and see where we will go from there.

Has anyone had experience like this? What happened? The not knowing is killing me. I keep thinking surely every baby doesn't grow in textbook intervals at every step, but I'm no doctor.