I just heard of this term today! Maybe it’s been around a while?
Anyways I thought it was interesting it means to break up with someone by never talking to them again, like you became a ghost.
Confession – I have totally ghosted friends in the past. When I feel like they have done me wrong I kind of just stop talking to them, normally they have to do a ton of things wrong or one big wrong thing (like never mentioning they were getting married) for me to do this. I’m a non-confrontational person so this is how I deal with it. Most of the time they just never bother to confront me too. A handful of times I have been confronted and surprisingly we have worked things out.
I’m not sure if I have been ghosted by a friend, I think maybe once. I know a lot of people are busy especially as we get older and we have families.
I don’t think I would ever do this to someone I was in a romantic relationship with. I don’t know but I draw a line there. I guess when it comes to romantic relationships I feel there needs to be a break up so that both parties can move on and find someone else they are better suited for.
In writing the poll. I just realized that I have been ghosted from a guy I only went on one date with!! I actually think that’s okay it’s not like it was serious. He did call eventually I think 3 months later but I was already dating someone else and turned him down for another date. From this I get the feeling he went off and dated a bunch of other girls and decided to round back to me. Haha.
I wondered if anyone else has ghosted anyone or has been ghosted.
Have you ghosted someone? Have you been ghosted?