At LO’s 2 yr check up I asked my pediatrician for help getting LO to sit on his own at the table and sleep in his room.
For a few weeks now, LO has been eating standing up on his learning tower and after I would finish my food at the bar he would ask (cry) to sit on my lap to finish his meal. On the weekend when DH is home he would primarily eat at his kiddie table. Well things came to a head when we went to Maggiano’s and LO refused to sit in his high chair and I could barely eat my pasta filled with mussels and clams. I removed the learning tower and the standalone high chair. After working through a long follow-me-around-the-kitchen tantrum LO let me buckle him in his booster seat. A 34 minute stare down ensued and with just 3 breaks to cry a little. I put LO on a timer and when he still didn’t eat I began to remove his plate and he started eating. The next evening he immediately went to his seat without incident.
LO was fine sleeping in his crib until I just found it easier to put him to bed with me. However, he sometimes takes up to a hour to go to sleep and climbs all over me and lately he’s been requesting I hold him. Sure snuggly sounds sweet, but I like to sleep on my belly with my arms folded under my pillow. Often in the MOTN I have to move him because he sleeps horizontal. Anyway I am over bedsharing. Taking the pediatricians advice I set up a floor bed of pillows and blankets. LO didn’t want to sleep in his crib and wanted to be next to me. Fine. Once he realized this floor bed situation wasn’t a green light to read an endless amount of books together he cried and wanted to go to mommy’s room and go to sleep.
Help me. How do I get him in his room?