Did going off BCP affect anyone's skin?
I went off BCP for the first time in 6 years in mid-April, and over the past month or so I've started getting way more body acne than I've ever had before. I have a few more pimples on my face too, but way more on my chest/back/shoulders, which rarely ever happened before for me (I was lucky and didn't even have issues in high school...). I even noticed one on the back of my knee today, so weird!! I know it could be a lot of other things--I moved abroad so am using new soap and the water is different, I do have sensitive skin in general, and I've heard that skin changes in general when you get older (like, last summer I randomly started getting crazy heat rashes all the time when it's muggy or I work out...)--but I figure it could have to do with changing hormones maybe as the bcp works it's way out of my system? It's super annoying, especially since I've never had this before!
Anyone else have any similar experiences? Or tips for dealing with body acne?