Since our RE's office staff were being stupid, I drove up to the clinic before work today and got the results from Friday's SA myself. I looked through them and am blown away by what the nurse told us was "better". Overall, his numbers were better, his count was 31 million per mL, for our IUI it was 15 million per mL, viscosity was checked as slight (which is abnormal I guess?), motility was 47% last time was 43%, everything was looking great. But then I looked at the morphology, the one that we were really worried about and saw it was 1% again. The nurse told him is was better than last time but still not normal, so I assumed 3%, but 1% how is that better? 96. 5% were head defects. For our IUI 95% had head defects.

I'm not really sure what to think right now, we have an appointment to discuss our concerns and next steps next week, but I don't know much about this. So I need some resources, I need any information that anyone has on morphology and it's effect on fertility. We want to go into this appointment prepared, having questions prepared, and knowing what we want.