Has this happened to anyone? I just got turned down for a job I'm way overqualified for. It's basically the same job I had in grad school minus about 90% of my responsibilities. (Instead of doing data collection, data analysis, teaching research methods, and overseeing students' data collection, I would just be doing data collection. Not even hands on, really, just helping people do a computer survey).

I had mentioned in my interview I was pregnant. They told me they needed me to work when I was due. I said I would need some time off that month.

I just got turned down today, because according to the form letter I wasn't 'qualified.' (Bull****, they told me in the interview they typically hire retirees 'looking to give back to their communities'. I have a Master's IN THIS FIELD!)

How come it's illegal to discriminate in hiring for pregnancy, but maternity leave isn't mandatory, so you can get turned down for needing to take time off? I mean, I kinda have to be there to keep the baby alive/recover from major medical procedure. UGH.

Has this happened to anyone else?

(And yes, I know what they did is illegal, but we aren't gonna sue.)