We moved in with my parents in November after our apt lease was up and were in the process of house hunting, and will probably be here until summer. My mom mentioned to me that I should pick up a potty so she can sit DD on it during the day to begin potty training her. That is what she did with me and my siblings when we were young, and she said you just keep doing it so she will be trained by the time she is 2. So this is a 11+ month potential potty training process.
I know Mrs Bee and other moms on HB start potty training after 2 using the 3-day potty training method or some other less-than-double-digit-month-method. What are your thoughts on potty training so early? Pros? Cons?
My mom is very insistent that this is the way to do it and if I don't, I'm delaying my daughter. So I'm not sure what to do. Of course it would be great to have DD out of diapers early rather than late, but does anyone think its too early?