We just finished 1 month of Toddler Art Classes and Open Gym play. During her 17th month, LO climbed slides and slid down, walking planks, rolling big logs, playing parachute and is now throwing balls. The art class had a variety of activities that kept it moving but the art projects themselves, were a little difficult to keep the attention of all of the kids in her age bracket and the parents ended up doing a lot of the art but I saw good progress in just one month. She now knows how to play with playdough, can throw things away in the garbage can, wait her turn, drinks from the cup, sings songs in front of groups, climbs up on chairs, and shares. I liked it because it's a good way to transition/help my daughter in a classroom situation before attending preschool. She is VERY active, not the sit around passively kind of kid so I liked I could be there to redirect her. Did anyone else join/preview any other class with their toddler? We are only doing one month because I got a special LivingSocial Deal but I am tempted to do another month next summer since I looked forward to it everytime.