These kind of threads ar always favorites around here!
Nothing funny to report, but DD2 said "I love you for the first time the other day and I practically melted.
These kind of threads ar always favorites around here!
Nothing funny to report, but DD2 said "I love you for the first time the other day and I practically melted.
eggplant / 11861 posts
We call DS 6 weeks meatball as he is a chunk!
DD 23 months was climbing into bed to read books and brushed his leg with her foot...she patted him and said
nectarine / 2821 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: yes. I love you is just too melty I can barely stand it! Especially cause he says it in this sweet voice that is imitating how I say it to him. It kills me. "Ah, I luf you mommy"
nectarine / 2821 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: oh also he's been singing jingle bells and daddy finger lately and that is also too cute. (2yo)
pear / 1558 posts
Oh yes, pretty much everything is adorable right now because LO (18mo) has had a language explosion the last few weeks & is saying new words every day! But the sweetest things to hear right now are sorry ("sowwy" with a sad face) or I love you ("lubby!"). So. Dang. Cute.
pomelo / 5573 posts
The other day B wanted to bring his daycare hat home and I was arguing against it because I didn't want it to get left at home the next morning, but he was getting pretty upset so I said "ok, if it's really important to you we can bring it home." Later that night I told him he had to taste the soup before he said he didn't like it. He thought about it for a minute and then said "Mommy, it is really important to me that I do not taste the soup."
persimmon / 1467 posts
We watched a video of a friend's 2 year old birthday party with singing and cake. After my almost 3 year old was singing "happy birthday cake" (and that's it, just that far!)
honeydew / 7230 posts
Blake told me I was his favorite mommy the other day. I'm his only mom, but it was the thought that counts.
The other day Alice told Blake "You are a monkey, Blake, and I am a....genius." I was laughing hysterically. I had no idea where she learned the word genius, until we rewatched the Curious George Christmas movie and realized the lady who runs the museum said that she was a genius. She must have picked it up from there!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
We have some mouse traps set up in our garage and I was going out there to check on them and I said to my daughter, "maybe there's a mousie in there" and she said, "I don't want to see a mousie. It's too hard for me"
Then I felt guilty after that. She saw one in a trap over the weekend and it must have traumatized her!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@erinbaderin: While it's adorable that he figured out how to use what you said to him earlier in a real world example, darn them for getting smart enough to use our words against us!
The other day, we dropped DS2 off in his room first, and DS1 (who is 4) said to me, "Mommy...I really love him a lot." My heart totally melted!
And DS2 (who is 14 months) is figuring out how to say so many words now. My favorite is the way he says yellow. "Lellow" and his tongue comes all the way out of his mouth to say it. So frickin cute.
nectarine / 2466 posts
When I was putting my 3 y/o to bed last night she said, "mommy you're my best friend." My pregnancy hormones couldn't handle it. ️
pomegranate / 3127 posts
B is giving E his pancakes at dinner: "because E is my best friend!"
E loves to call everyone papa, and then laugh when we correct her can't wait till she starts talking more, I've been wondering for months what that baby is thinking.
persimmon / 1495 posts
I love these!
We visited Santa at the mall last weekend and the Santa asked DS, "how did you get so cute? was it from your mom or your dad?" And DS replied, "from the kid factory!"
coconut / 8472 posts
DS is obsessed with getting the baby to smile. I must hear, "Smile, smile Lily" at least 50 times a day. He was saying it at dinner and DH was trying to explain he might need to do something to get her to smile, and he asked "what makes you smile?" And D responds, "I smile when I love you daddy."
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
My 3.5 year old loves to do something for the baby and then when the baby smiles, she goes "awww look how happy that makes her!"
My almost 1 year old is just picking me. She's been saying dad's for months but almost never says mama, and has yet to say it when I am sure she means me. So I'll be playing with her and say "mamamamamama" and she looks right at me and smiles and says "dadadadada". I'm sure it's a joke to her!
coconut / 8483 posts
Yesterday my 2.5 year old said "I pooped on the wall and my weiner touched a cob web!!!"
Neither were true 🙄
pomelo / 5866 posts
LO listened to DH explain to me how he fixed the car. He said a bunch of car parts that I barely understood.
LO: Wow, that's a lot of words, Dad. How did you learn how to do that?
DH: Youtube and reading books
LO: Wow, you are so smart.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@Foodnerd81: every time I ask my 12 month old to say "mama" he shakes his head no! Gee thanks kid, I'll remember that tonight when you want to nurse for the 12,000th time.
coconut / 8079 posts
reviving this because these threads are my favorite.
LO told me yesterday to carry his gingerbread cookie in my pocket when we left the house so he wouldn't get wet! i guess he's been paying attention to the story after all!
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
DS has been learning the ABC song at school and he sings it all the time, with great gusto, except its all garbled nonsense. He hits the "L M N O P" part and its just "dededededeeeeee!!!" And then when he gets to the end, he goes "YAY!!!!!" and claps for himself.
He also learned the word "brother" recently and every morning he gets out of bed and yells "BRUDDER!! BABY BRUDDER! HI BABY!!"
We've also started getting attempts at stalling bedtime and last night I was leaving and he was like "MOMMY! MOMMY!" and I said "what?" And he goes "hug?" I died.
grapefruit / 4997 posts
I love this age soooo much (DD1 is 3.5 years old). I am probably going to say that for any upcoming age but right now she is just so sweet and thoughtful. She loves being around us, especially her baby sister so I will cherish these moments always. I have so many that I need to record before I forget and she outgrows it.
She loves to dance and act and sometimes pretend she is the director too. She use to say "Ladies and Junglemen, please enjoy the show!" We finally corrected her recently to say "gentlemen" but it was super cute when she said "junglemen".
pomelo / 5866 posts
Tonight LO was looking for a Lego piece and called over DH to help. She said, "This is like looking for a needle in hay!!!"
eggplant / 11861 posts
DD 2 was a little afraid.ofof that are apart nativity scene
The figures are bigger so they gon under the tree
I explained to her Joseph is a nice guy and loves the baby Jesus!
She was talking the other day and convincing herself they are OK.....
"Mama that Joseph.. He is nice guy though!"
papaya / 10570 posts
We were waiting in the playground for the classroom door to be opened the other morning and E announced to all the kids and parents "I am very interesting and important".
A few weeks ago, we were in the doctors waiting room and she flung herself dramatically down onto a chair and wailed "I'm not a beautiful unicorn..... I'm just a pony".
pear / 1809 posts
My oldest son is 3, and we've been watching a lot of Christmas shows on TV lately. The shows always have snow in them, but we live in the South, so we rarely get any snow. The other day my son asked me what I was doing when I was putting out some decorations. I told him I was decorating for Christmas. So then he ran and looked out the window, and then looked back at me with a puzzled expression and asked, "Where's the snow?" I thought it was cute how he equated the snow with Christmas.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I just put DD to bed and she was freaking out because she wanted me to sleep with her. She told me she couldn't sleep in her room alone because it was "too sassy" in there. She's right.
persimmon / 1431 posts
DD has been asking me for/to do stuff and it is so darn cute. "do you want to play mommy"?, "do you want some apples mommy?", "do you want a sticker mommy?"
pomelo / 5621 posts
DS is 3.5. Today we had a sick day and he watched Snow White for the first time. In his bath tonight he spent the whole time analyzing it.
DS: why did the queen flew?
Me: I'm not sure what you mean.
DS: The queen flew in a jealous rage, she wanted to be the fairest one of all.
pomelo / 5866 posts
@ALV91711: So articulate! LO is like that. Wants to learn every new word or phrase as she first hears it.
Tonight she tried to say 'misunderstanding' but it came out 'misunderstance.' (circumstance??) I hate correcting her nowadays. I want to keep the baby around a little longer.
clementine / 927 posts
We live in a pretty rural area and one day my husband said that my older stepdaughter couldn't wait to leave and go to college. My son (2) said, "she won't leave me, she's my sister." Everyone melted.
honeydew / 7463 posts
My son (2yo) said something last night that made me HAVE to come and post.
He's been really into asking me if I like things lately. Like if he's eating a cookie he says "you like cookies mommy?" Or if I explain something new to him he asks if I like it. And his voice gets really high at the end and it's adorable.
Well after his bath last night he was playing with his penis and he asked me what it is. I told him it's his penis. He said "oh okay" played a little longer then said "Do you like penis, mommy?" in his innocent high pitched question tone. I about fell over in shock and laughter. I was DYING. 🤣
honeydew / 7622 posts
When something does not go her way or she drops something she says "oh dear"
pomegranate / 3113 posts
When we picked DD (who just turned 3) up from daycare today, I asked if she'd had a good day and she nodded and said "yes, I did. I had a lovely day."
She's also been insisting that DH and I each bring one of her stuffed animals to work with us "in case that you get a little lonely. But you have to remember to bring it home EVERY night."
coconut / 8472 posts
Today in the car -
DH: DS, I "mustache" you a question...
DS: (laughs hysterically) Mustache can I ask you a question?
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
Lately lo (2.5) has been flinging her arms around my neck and hugging me close while saying "mommy I need you!" I need you too baby
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