My department got slashed in half yesterday which is interesting because the company is doing well and business is growing. Everyone has to interview for the remaining spots and other positions within the organization. We're all in a specialized technical field with degrees in the area where we work. The other positions are category management, marketing, sales, graphics. I've worked with those teams throughout my career but we have different skill sets and I'm worried about how my personality and skill set will survive in those roles against a bunch of MBAs.
I don't expect to get one of the remaining spots in my department since I've been here less than a year. I'm trying for it but even if I get it I would get the work of three people.
We aren't being offered severance because as they keep reminding us we aren't losing our jobs.
Has anyone gone through something similar and survived a forced position change?
Ideally I'd like to stay at home for a few months, wait for this plan to blow up and get hired back when the company realizes the idea was a bad one. But I'm still working through my emotions.