So in a previous post some weeks ago, I talked about the issues I have been having with my thyroid. Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond. It really helped me make my mind up.
I've decided to have the surgery. I'm currently waiting for the surgeon to call so we can set up a consultation and then the surgery date to remove my thyroid.
They found my Graves Disease when I was a couple of weeks pregnant with my first LO. I had just Quit smoking after 18 yrs straight without a break. I always said the second I knew I was knocked up I was smoke free for the rest of my life.
So here's the thing........
I gained
I gained from the meds slowing down thyroid levels.
I gained from snacking and the need for oral fixation from the loss of the smoking cessation.
And most importantly I gained from being pregnant.
Now baby girl is 8+ months and I'm the biggest I've ever been.
Now having my thyroid out is going to be a huge change and I need to get on it before the surgery happens.
Tomorrow morning I'm signing up for Weight watchers with my mom. I'm hoping having someone to be accountable with will really help me out.
Have you ever lost a lot of weight?
If so, how did you manage to do it?
Any Advice you can share?