Hellobee Boards


Have you felt in danger?

  1. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @Greentea: oh yikes, that is scary and creepy! When I passed the same couple for the 3rd time I actually thought to myself that they prob thought I was stalking them but I was just driving around and around and around lol

  2. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I used to have to break up fights and kick out people of the homeless shelter I worked out. Not physically break then up, but interrupt it and ask them to leave. I was never really worried for my safety, because if something had happened, other clients would have intervened. I did get more nervous the time I had to ask someone to leave and not come back with the six inch blade he had!

    The only time with kids I've felt in danger was when I was joking with the kids around the lake. There were two homeless men, and one was screaming the whole way around. It made me nervous for sure. Then the other guy, the next time they passed me, said "He usually calms down about halfway around." Then I realized how dumb I was being. The guy was obviously mentally ill and his friend was just trying to help him out.

    It did make me think I should take a self defense class, but I don't think that covers what to do while baby wearing, haha!

  3. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    When I lived in a larger city, I was walking home one night and was being followed. I was too afraid to go to my empty apartment, so I went to my neighbor's who, luckily, were two guys. The man who was following me wouldn't leave the front of their apartment until they gave him some cigarettes. I realized (after the fact) that I was traded for some cigarettes.
    Also, I was in a car going downhill in the mountains and the gas pedal got stuck. That was absolutely terrifying.

  4. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @simplyfelicity: OMG? The gas petal sticking, That's scary!

  5. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @yoursilverlining: lol., when I'm in those situations I usuallu say something stupid.. Awkward laugh and stupid joke

  6. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    Shortly after moving to Chicago, I was waiting for the train to get to work early in the AM. It was an underground stop and there were only a handful of people there. I realized the guy sitting next to me had an erection hiding under his shirt. I spent the next few minutes pacing back and forth, waiting for the train with one eye in the creep from afar.

  7. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    I've only felt scared, like I was in personal danger once. I closing up at the store I worked and walked out to my car. I noticed that a custome(a younger guy) was parked in his car in the lot still. We had the buddy system, so I had another (girl) employee with me. When we went to leave, he started to pull out right after is. Thankfully the alarm to the store went off because I didn't lock up correctly. So we pulled back into spots and he pulled into a spot too. We went back in, reset the alarm and I accidentally locked my keys in my car so I could leave! The employee let me sit in her car while I called my mom to bring my spare and let her know the situation. When she got there, we pulled out, and he followed. My mom kept getting between my car and his. He was trying to swerve back and forth to try and get behind me. I jumped on the thruway and just booked it home. He stopped following my mom once he realized he lost me. My mom had my brother waiting outside the house in case he had managed to follow me. I told her if he would have been able get back to following me, I was going to drive to a police station nearby.


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