Have you taken your LO to the ER? If so, what was/were the reason/s for it?
Have you taken your LO to the ER? If so, what was/were the reason/s for it?
nectarine / 2964 posts
For us we have been to the ER for 2 times.
The first time was a dislocated elbow (they called it "nursemaid elbow")when he was around 2 years old. He didn't say anything but he just held his elbow close to his body and didn't use his arm at all.
The 2nd time was yesterday (4.5 years old) when he put a very tiny piece of lego and pushed it all the way in his nose until his nose bleed Ahh. The doctor said she noticed that 4 years olds tend to be more "prone" to putting things in the nose/ears because of a phase of "creative problem solving", and they tend to do that when they have a cold. They thought by putting things in their noses it may help their congested noses breathe better (!). And when I asked DS if that was the reason he nodded his head. Sigh it is so ridiculous yet funny.
pomelo / 5220 posts
@irene: I can't help by LOL at the Lego story... sigh. I know it will happen to us someday, but I really dread it!
We have only gone once, when LO was wheezing really bad at night. He is always a wheezy baby when he gets colds, but it seemed like he was struggling to breathe a bit. We rushed him over there and he ended up having a bit of pneumonia, poor baby. Such a long, stressful night - holding down a 2 year old for a chest x-ray 5 hours past bedtime is NOT fun!
coconut / 8483 posts
Here it's impossible to get a same day doc appt and there's no walk in clinics. So we've been plenty of times. Mostly for ear infections.. A bad cold when he was 7 weeks old and we weren't sure what to do... Once for suspected croup.
clementine / 806 posts
@irene: We have had nursemaids elbow twice (once in each arm) and have been told it will likely keep happening until he is ~4+. Fortunately, we have pediatric after-hours clinics for non-emergencies, so we go there and the doctor on call pops it back. I can't recommend it enough, if clinics like this exist where you are!
we have been twice: for a burn and because the nurse hotline and on-call pediatrician sent us at midnight to rule out seizures (it wasn't seizures...)
nectarine / 2964 posts
@psw27: It was funnier in real life. When he first told me he put a piece of lego in his nose as I was trying to hold his nose with napkins to stop the bleeding, I was like, ah, why did you do that? His answer was hilarious - he said because he didn't see his nose (!!!) LOL. What?!
The funnier thing is, I did the exact same thing to myself when I was around 3-4 years old (well, I put beads in my nose). My mom said they had to take me to the hospital. Hence the reason why I knew we had to go without a blink. Like mother like son.
@Mrs. Champagne: Oh boy... does your doctor at least have an after hours nurse line? I was waking up the poor nurse every 2-3 hours one time when DS was having a 104-105 fever overnight. She reassured me it is OK as long as it can be lowered with motrin and tylernol. I was this close to dragging him to the ER!
@MrsLonghorn: Good for you! I called the after hours nurse and described the situation to them (that he wasn't using his arm and holding it close to his body), and she was like ok you have to go to the hospital RIGHT NOW. And I was like, .... are you sure...?
clementine / 806 posts
@irene: hahaha yeah, that's exactly what happened with our "seizures". I was pretty certain they weren't, but the nurse was like "GET THERE NOW!" so we went at midnight. Then, we arrived at the ER and waited 4 hours to even get into a room -- I kept thinking "this is an awful lot of waiting for a baby having seizures..."
Of course, better safe than sorry!
nectarine / 2047 posts
DS is 10 months old and we had to bring him in right after he started daycare at 3 months for increased respiratory rate, wheezing and labored breathing. He was diagnosed with rsv and still has to have breathing treatments 7 months later
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
We've been probably 6-7 times for Xander (who's 3.5). Once for his milk allergy, and then multiple times for his asthma, and then once for a stomach thing that we (and urgent care) thought might be appendicitis.
For Logan (21m), we've been once when we discovered his peanut allergy.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Not yet! Almost did though; she fell down some stairs and I was FREAKING out. But thankfully I decided to call her dr first and he said it is fine to monitor her first and everything turned out fine!
pear / 1837 posts
Gone 2x for 4 year old (3 at the time) for bad stomach pains (turns out it was just gas both times). Once for baby when she was just a few months old- started vomiting in middle of the night and was listless. She ended up with a double ear infection and just really bad congestion that made her vomit.
honeydew / 7488 posts
My DD also used to stuff things up her nose. Small pebbles, pieces of string... thankfully we never had to go to ER, they all came out. I had to take her to the ER when she slipped wearing ballet tights and bumped the back of her head and threw up.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Thankfully, no! DS had a really high fever when he had RSV at 4 months (103), but the pedi said to expect it to reach up to 106! He said if it got to that or higher, then to take him to a Children's ER. Thankfully, it never approached 106! Hoping to stay away from the kiddie ER as long as possible. *fingers crossed*
pineapple / 12566 posts
My son has been twice. Once for a broken leg (happened at daycare), the other time for tonsillitis (on a Sunday).
watermelon / 14467 posts
We took her right after she turned two. She woke up with a nearly 104F fever and was delirious. Turns out she had a raging ear infection.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Yep, less than 12 hours after being discharged from L&D we took him back for dehydration.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Yes - just after B turned one he had a really high fever (105) that caused a seizure. My husband was home alone with him, I was a few minutes away coming home from my third day back at work. We actually called 911, an ambulance came and everything, because while I knew it wasn't uncommon it was so scary and he was so little and after it was over he was totally limp and out of it.
He was fine, though, and it's never happened again.
persimmon / 1367 posts
We've had 2 ER visits. Once at 6 months old when LO screamed for HOURS and could not be comforted. This was really out of character and the on call nurse suggested we bring her. Of course, she fell asleep on the ride to the ER at midnight, and woke up happy as a clam when they started doing tests on her - all of which were negative.
The second time, she had bronchitis just after turning 1 and she was admitted for a few days.
@irene: We also had an experience with nursemaid's elbow, but I called her pediatrician's office first (happened at 10am) and they had me bring her right in - my LO was pretty inconsolable and I didn't know what was going on so I'm glad they were able to take her immediately. Our pediatrician taught me how to pop it back into place at our next well visit, though I'm hoping to never have to do it!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Just once for my youngest. A few weeks ago on a Friday evening she started running fever. I knew it was an ear infection. But by Saturday afternoon her fever was continuously rising even on reducer so we had to take her in. It was an ear infection and we got the fever down.
persimmon / 1050 posts
Yep, back in July when my DS decided to grab the head of DH's razor, cut his finger & it was still bleeding an hr later. We was on vacation at the time...so much fun.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@irene: I shoved a light brite up my nose when I was around that age. In my defense, my brother (4 years older) was doing it to be funny (they were hanging out like tusks or something), so I did it. I just shoved it up too far lol
We've taken DS2 to the ER once. He took a tumble and bumped his head and I freaked out. He was fine. They didn't even do anything really.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Not for my LO's but one time LO1 had to come with me!
We did have a couple close calls though luckily the doctor's office was open both times and we were able to go there instead. Once for LO1 falling off a chair and whacking his head on a windowsill. I thought he had a concussion. The other time LO2 fell down the stairs and couldn't stand on his leg. Thankfully it turned out to be nothing serious both times!
honeydew / 7504 posts
2x, both for D. Once when he was 5 months old he fell off the glider footrest onto the hardwood floor, right smack on his head. I was a wreck. He was giggling 30 seconds after it happened. The second time was right around 2, he was sick and not eating and needed a bag of IV fluids for dehydration.
honeydew / 7917 posts
We've been to the hospital for anaphylaxis and a really bad allergic reaction (swelling that could go down with steroids and still lasted for days).
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Once. 2.5 yo. Playground injury, arm got tweaked backwards on the slide. Got multiple xrays and ended up with a sling and splint no fractures. Wore that for 2 days and was all better.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
No, I've only been close once. A couple months ago she woke up with a fever that just kept getting higher despite Advil and Tylenol. She wasn't listless, just tired, so I had an appt for her at the pediatrician for later in the morning, but at one point I took her temp and it was hovering between 105-106. At that point I called the ped and was like, can I just bring her NOW? We live way closer to the pediatrician than the er so went there and by the time we got there ten minutes later it was down to 103-104. Other than that we have been very lucky to not have anything serious.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
To the ER once for severe croup - she had really bad stridor so she got steroid shots and the breathing treatment. She was almost admitted to the hospital but fortunately she responded well after a few hours of observation
We have gone to urgent care several times when the ped office is closed. The only notable one was when she broke her collarbone - very minor and we just noticed she would cry when we picked her up under her arms
honeydew / 7622 posts
Yes once for dehydration at 5 days. The second time ended up being croup but the nurse advice line said it sounded like whooping cough- I was annoyed she made it sound so urgent and I could have waited an hour and gone to urgent care.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
DD1 has been twice: once at a 6 months old when she had blood in her vomit (they sent us home, and she was later diagnosed with a esophagus disease) and the second was a few month ago, she split her head open at daycare and our pediatrician wanted the stitches done at a hospital due to their location (middle of forehead)
DD2 has been to hospital for dehydration but we skipped ER and her pediatrician wanted her admitted immediately.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
LO1 went at 15 months when he fell and needed stitches on his forehead.
apricot / 309 posts
Yep! My dd was spitting up green when she was a few months old. Luckily it was nothing, but I'm still glad we went!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
N has been more times then I care to admit. His first ER trip was after he turned 2 and got his finger caught in a piece of machinery. (He ended up needing surgery to repair the injury) The next time was less then 72 hours later he split near his eye open on the hearth at home. A few more times since then for allergic reaction/celiac reactions/ or fevers.
E has been twice. The first time he fell and hit his ear (getting a huge hematoma with swelling). The second time he and his brother were playing and hit his head on a corner resulting in staples.
kiwi / 524 posts
At seven weeks we took LO to the ER because he had a fever. He was fine (some kind of virus) but had to be hospitalized for observation because he was so young.
At seven months (the day he learned to crawl), he crawled off the bed and landed on his head, so we took him again. He was fine, and they just sent us home with a list of symptoms to look for.
He turns three tomorrow and we haven't been back (knock on wood).
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
The first time the same reason as you, the second time was because of breathing issues.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
Not the ER but urgent care....she fell headfirst into the corner of an open drawer and cut open the middle of her forehead. It was like a straight, clean, 1cm long cut but seemed deep so I took her in....they glued it closed!
honeydew / 7303 posts
Yes, both.
Dd had a 104 fever at 5 months old.
I fell while carrying ds down the stairs and dropped him when he was around 7 months. He hit his head and I wanted to make sure he was okay. Probably not necessary but I was scared.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
My oldest son feel through a hole in a netted trampoline and needed staples in his head. Then one of my twins had bronchitis and couldn't catch his breath. He ended up getting a breathing treatment.
pear / 1739 posts
Many many times. Mostly for extreme fevers and lack of holding down Tylenol. Their fevers always spike really bad at night so no clinics or offices are open. If it's above 103 I take them in
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Yes but we went to urgent care first for wheezing after calling the nurses line and they suggested we take them to UC. DD was in respiratory distress (rapid respiratory rate) and rushed by ambulance to the hospital. That hospital had a pediatrics department but she needed a PICU so she was transferred to the Children's hospital. They both had RSV at 4 months old but only she needed to be hospitalized for 5 days. After being released, she was wheezing again so I took her back to pediatric UC. DS was wheezing while she was in the hospital and I took him to the hospital. Skipped UC because UC was closed. He was treated at that hospital and released. He didn't need to be transferred to the Children's hospital.
pineapple / 12793 posts
Once for my second. She turned blue and was shaking. Turns out she had terrible chills and by the time we were in the ER (2 minutes away) she had a 105° fever. She was 12 months. That was my hardest day as a mom. DD3 was six days old and I was recovering from my c-section and couldn't carry either of them.
Thankfully in almost four years that's been our only visit.
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