My son is now almost 6 weeks and I feel like we've been having nothing but issues. He is generally healthy, so I know I am blessed in that respect but I am so overwhelmed with all the issues we're having.
From the get go it's been one thing after another...first he lost 9% of his birth weight so we had to nurse around the clock. Due to his poor latch it really did a number on me. Then he was jaundice so he was on a bili blanket for 24 hours. After that we discovered he had a lip and tongue tie (contributing to the poor nursing). We got that taken care of so we're finally starting to get better with nursing and now he's got silent reflux. He wakes about every 2 hours to eat so I'm exhausted. And he refuses to nap during the day. It took me 2 hours to get him to sleep today. I'm going insane. I would like to exchange him for an easier baby please. I'm trying SO HARD to look at the positive...he is healthy. He is not colicky (although he is fussy all the time due to the reflux so....) I realize it could be a lot worse & I probably shouldn't complain but I'm at my whits end. I want to enjoy my baby, not regret my decision to procreate.
Any words of encouragement or shared experiences for support would be so appreciated right now.
Thanks bees