Ever since we launched Walls, I've been surprised that we've gotten so few requests for a Private Message feature!

Are the walls working for now (for the most part) as a way to touch base with users outside of the boards? I'm hoping so, since building a full-fledged PM feature would be a ton of work and we'd love to invest that time into other features.

How are you liking Walls as a way to stay in touch with each other outside of the boards?


I should note that public walls are much easier for us to police for spam and fraud than private messages.

The big problem we've had in the past is that spammers will hit our private message systems, and then there's no way that we can police it without going in and actually reading people's private messages... which we have no desire to do, of course.

We've also had issues in the past with people promoting classifieds items over PM and then disappearing... but since it was all done over PM, there's no public evidence of their fraud.

These aren't unsolvable problems — it would just take a lot of careful thought and programming to make something that could solve all of them. So that's why I thought I'd check in with you guys on how walls are doing.