Hi Everyone,

I'm a first time mom and have a 8-week old baby girl. Since she was born, she has been always sleeping in a swing plus my hubby and have been rocking her to sleep.

I know that rocking her to sleep is a bad sleep association, so about 1-2 weeks ago, I wanted to reduce the amount of rocking. Currently I try to put her down to sleep as soon as her eyes are closed (on average it takes about 5-10 min). Most of the time when she is in the bed, her eyes are still either half open or completely open for 10-20 seconds. People have been saying that "put a baby to sleep when she is drowsy but awake". Does my approach count as "drowsy and awake".

Also I have tried to transition her from her swing to crib during daytime. Our family doctor thinks my baby has acid reflux and we are waiting to see a pediatrician to confirm. But in the meantime, I elevate the bed a bit by putting a pillow under her head and roll up a towel to a u-shape and put it under her bump, plus putting some towels around her to make her feel snuggled. Today is the second day of the transition and she has been sleeping well during the day. My plan to eventually remove the towels and the pillow. Is it a good way to help her transition to the crib?
