So, I'm gearing up to do IUI #2 this month. I tested this morning (CD 11) and got a positive. WTF?! This is sooooooooooooo early for me. Last month I didn't get a positive on the opk until CD16. In all of my charting, I've never gotten an opk positive this early.
I am on Letrozole (and was last month), but this just seems so early! I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and schedule the IUI for tomorrow? I am going to try and re-test in a bit to see if I get a positive (I just have to call the clinic by 3:30).
What would you do in this situation? Could I get an ultrasound tomorrow before the IUI to check things out? I am so paranoid about the timing...........
On a side note, I was worried about timing last cycle but the nurse said she didn't think it was worth it for me to get an ultrasound if I've had good luck with opks.