Hey all, any advice you could give would be appreciated.
We're in our third month of TTC (second cycle) and I've been doing OPKs this month. I had a positive OPK on CD 15 followed by O pain on CD16, so I am as positive as I can be without temping that I o'd this month. We timed BD right for 0-3 & 0-1 and then I had a relatively normal TWW, symptom spotting, etc.
On CD30 (yesterday) I did an HPT and BFN. About three hours later I had light bleeding which I assumed was the start of AF. I woke up this morning expecting it to be a lot heavier... Nothing. All day nothing. One day of bleeding does not constitute a period. I have PCOS and was pleased that if we weren't pg then at least I'd had a normal cycle.
The (maybe) relevant info: Still bloated, still have sore boobs. This month I had acupuncture, used maca powder and ate largely primal.
What's going on? Talk me off the ledge... I never thought I would be so sad to not have a proper period.