My son will be two in 13 days and he is a very intense, strong-willed child. He was extremely colicky, bad reflux, and a challenging baby too, to say the least, so I guess I should not be surprised.
His tantrums have been AWFUL the last 6 weeks or so, and seem like they are getting worse daily. He is very verbal and every day learns new words and puts new strings of words together, so I would definitely say he's going through a language explosion.
The tantrums are LONG (not just a few minutes - often 10-20 minutes!) and he is just so intense. Constant hysterical screaming and basically nothing calms him down. Impossible to console. I don't give in if he's tantruming about something he wants (i.e. last night wanted a pouch instead of dinner). Often the tantrums are related to transitions (even though we give lots of advance notice, talk about what to expect, etc.). He has a REALLY hard time and has a tantrum nearly every time we have to come inside from being outside, go upstairs for bed, go into his room for bedtime, leave the park, etc.... and it is exhausting. It is to the point I don't want to take him anywhere. And he is very sensitive to being tired or hungry so at night time and mealtimes/snacktimes it is 1000% worse.
I am trying to channel my inner Janet Lansbury, be very zen and nonchalant, but in reality I am totally miserable to spend all day with a screaming toddler. I often have to just physically wrestle a screaming, flailing 27 lb toddler to come inside, carry up the stairs, etc. and it's horrible. I guess it's normal but it sucks. I am jealous of my friends with easy kids. I dread days when I'm alone with him (which I hate to say!) because he is so difficult to manage.
Please tell me I am not a terrible mother. And if you have any suggestions - either for dealing with the tantrum or to keep me from jumping out a window - I would love to hear it! I've heard that 3 is worse than 2 and I don't know how I can handle it.