Hello. DH has been sick with a bad cold the last couple days. This morning LO was fussy when he woke.up (hes always happy) and felt warm. Throughout the day he has coughed maybe 4 times total but it sounded like there was phlegm in the cough each time.
His armpit temp was 98.8 this morning which seemed high I think so I gave tylenol. He felt warm again a few min ago and his temp was 99 so I gave tylenol again.
Im putting him down for a late nap right now because he seemed really tired. Should I just let him sleep or cap the nap? It's about 2 hours before we start bedtime routine now.
Should I sleep in his room tonight? Is that ridiculous? I'm a FTM... I'm nervous!
Tonight is bath night, should we skip it? Could that make him feel worse?
He doesnt sound like hes stuffed up. Is it possible I'm reading into things and maybe its teething? 99 is high for a temp right?
ETA: LO is 9 months on friday.