i am pumping at work for the first time ever as i just went back after a one year mat leave. I plan to only pump once a day at lunch time.....i have the medela freesttyle and it is LOUD in this super quiet office i am in! i have to admit i feel a little self-conscious that all my coworkers can hear it!

i am muffling it with a sweater, but don't feel it is doing much. any tips to quiet this thing down?!

ETA: on another note, holy crap, i just pumped almost 5 ounces from ONE SIDE! i am happy usually if i get 4 ounces from both sides......i guess that is because i am not nursing him down for his morning and afternoon naps in addition to his lunch feeding. Makes me sad that my baby is not getting as much milk as usual today, even though i know he will be okay without it at his age.