O had finally learned to both sleep through the night and put herself down without a fuss. It was glorious. Then she spent 3 nights in the hospital in a bed with me. And decided she was no longer a baby and has refused the crib ever since. Mostly the transition has gone ok, but she needs me to sit with her now until she falls asleep. Not a big deal sometimes but today I spent a full hour in there before her nap and over an hour and a half before bedtime. She's also waking up way earlier and waking in the night about half the time now. It's been two weeks. Is there a way to help her get back to her old habits or is this just how it is?
Eta: she's 21 months. Lower sleep needs in general but has been on a good schedule of 7:30 or so until 6:30, with a 1-2 hour nap from about 12-2.