T is 4 months and up until he was like 3.5 months, naps were easy. Swaddle, paci, swing = 1 hour or more nap. Now, he rarely naps for more than 40 minutes - morning nap is usually OK (in swing) and then I can't get him to nap in the afternoons....even in the swing. He'll be drowsy and I put him in his crib and he wakes right up. Same goes for swing. The only thing that works is the car - not even stroller. I read about nap training in the Healthy Sleep book but he's been crying in his crib for 5 minutes and I can't bear it. He's usually swaddled so I have to unswaddle him so that if he's crying he can self soothe.

Long and short of it, naps are a mess. Night sleep is getting back on track - still swaddled, but in his crib and getting up 2x a night to eat (other wakes we ignore and he goes back to sleep)...and he's now sleeping roughly 11 hours overnight (an improvement).

So, I need some suggestions. What should I do? Let him nap on me until this phase passes?

I really need to get him back to napping in the afternoons as I know he needs it. He has been up almost 3 hours and I've been trying to get him to sleep for the last hour. I just don't know what to do as I sit hear listening to my poor baby cry in his crib.