LO is just over five months old and we are still struggling. He was a colicky, reflux newborn and is still just very high needs. He doesn't tolerate anything (being worn, swing/bouncer/playmat/etc. for more than a couple of minutes at a time, and he wants to be held and be on the move constantly. I feel like I still spend all my time bopping him around and trying to keep him entertained. When he is happy he is so happy but he gets fussy easily. I dread the grocery store and other errands because I have to try and race through before he starts crying. I can never just sit and cuddle with him, we can't go out to eat because he won't just sit in his carseat or stroller. I feel like I never get a break and never have a moment to myself!

He's been on probiotics for months and the reflux seems better. The colic symptoms improved dramatically just past four months. I hate to complain because he is SO much better, but I thought by five months in I'd be able to cook dinner or do my hair or SOMETHING. If this sounds familiar, when did it improve?