Now that someone else has started threads about the holidays I feel comfortable doing so too!

What are your plans for this holiday season? Especially now that you have a LO?

Prior to M we always alternated holidays. ie Thanksgiving with ILs and Xmas with mine one year. Then next year will be Thanksgiving with mine then Xmas with ILs. This year is suppose to be Thanksgiving with mine and Xmas with ILs. But since they live in GA and it's M first Christmas and our first in our new home we've decided we're staying home for Christmas! YAY! We'll invite everyone to come join us of course.

Haven't decided yet if we're traveling to NYC for Thanksgiving though. I hope so.

And we'll be getting our first ever Christmas tree!!! I wanted to wait till our LO's first Christmas to get our first Christmas tree. Before that we had my husband's maternal grandma's "Charlie Brown" tree. We still have it, I love that thing!

Can't wait to start our own holiday traditions with our LO in our new home!! We even have a wood burning fireplace!! hehe