So DD (23 months) have never ever been bothered by teething before... Until I'm guessing these very last set of 2 year molars! I didn't even know they're not out yet.
She started having a low grade fever Fri night, so I just thought she was coming up with something. By Sat mid-day, she was refusing to eat, really cranky, etc and told me her teeth hurt. Sat night sleep was a mess; woke up every hour crying and crying. Meds aren't doing much. Sunday pretty much refused to eat/drink, cranky/crying all day. I don't think I've ever seen her this upset, not even with coxsackie!
We finally got her to drink from a cup (she drank from a straw which hurt more then refused all drinks). Still couldn't get her to eat. We're on I think day 3 of this now, so I'm hoping it will pass soon.. Her mood is slightly better today. Please Lord let her be better!!
This is just totally out of the blue. We're SO exhausted, esp since I'm 8 months pregnant!
Rant over