I can honestly say that yesterday was the worst day of my life since becoming a parent.
My DD is 3 months old and both have us have been battling a cold for a few days. I was using the nasal aspirator often to relieve her congestion, but she was otherwise acting pretty normal so I didn't think much of it. Then yesterday after a rough night where she kept waking up stuffy, she was very lethargic and would wake up from each nap crying. I watched her temp and as soon as it became the slightest bit feverish I called the pediatrician to get in asap since I no longer wanted to wait another day for my scheduled appointment. The pediatrician sent me to the ER due to her young age.
I spent 5 hours in the ER waiting for her to be seen, then waiting for a lung x-ray, then waiting for her to be seen again, then waiting for a blood test, before being told that she was being hospitalized for at least 3 days with bronchiolitis.

I know bronchiolitis is mostly benign, it's a viral infection that infects over 400,000 babies in France each year, but I still couldn't get over the fact that she needed hospitalization.
My husband works out of town part of the week, and of course he was away, so I frantically called a friend to come get my keys so she could go to my house and get some things since Alice & I would be staying at the hospital for a few days.
Since she was admitted last night she has had several blood tests, a urine test, they have aspirated her nose at least 5 times (before every feeding), she's seen three doctors and the physical therapist came to do some pulmonary treatment on her (very scary looking, she presses on the baby's chest to get the phlegm out of her bronchioles).

I know she is in good hands and that she will be fine, but the stress of the situation has still been pretty rough on me. I haven't slept much (thanks in part to the little boy we are sharing a room with who snored and/or cried all night!) and it has been absolutely dreadful watching my little girl in pain as they take blood, or do physical therapy or aspirate her nose. I seriously hope this is the only time in her life she will need hospitalization, except of course to give me grandbabies one day at least 25 years from now!
So, just sharing because I wanted to get my feelings out there, I'm feeling kind of alone stuck here in a hospital room with my sick baby and my husband still out of town. Hoping none of you have to go through this with your LOs, it sucks!