Wow, I asked this on WB and got a total of 0 responses so I'm hoping people here can provide some insight!

I'm wondering how accurate the salary ranges are on I just checked it for my position and I think it must be wrong. It says that the median salary for my position is about 20% less than what I currently make, putting me above the 75th percentile. As much as I'd like that to be true, I just know that it isn't based on what I've heard from friends and coworkers.

Is it possible that it's accurate and I'm just hearing false information from people? My job is very unique and specific and the description I chose was dead-on. I'm even at the low end of experience, so if anything I was being conservative. I also chose the right location, so it definitely isn't geography.

Does anyone know where the website gets its data from? Has anyone else checked the site and thought it was wrong?