I'm wrestling with this decision now. How did you know you were ready?
I'm wrestling with this decision now. How did you know you were ready?
squash / 13764 posts
I had an idea of the "ideal" spacing I wanted, so that kind of made the decision for me! Also, I wanted some time between nursing and getting pregnant again, so I had to wait til I stopped BFing.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
We had spacing plans of 2.5-3 year age gap, I wanted and needed time to myself after pregnancy and nursing for a year. We wanted to travel once just us and once that trip was done we started ntnp! Took us a few months so I'm glad we started when we did! DS and lo#2 will be 32 months apart.
honeydew / 7295 posts
A lot of things factored in. My age being a huge part because I'm 37 now. I read that at least a year, preferably 2 is healthiest for your body and baby especially for c section but even without , and I wanted our kids to be able to be buddies but still have their own special time. My son was 16 months when we started trying and even though it was hard at the time I am so glad it took 7 months because I love the 2.5 year spacing.
If I were younger we probably would have waited at least till my son was 2 or 2.5
pomegranate / 3768 posts
I always wanted a 2.5 age gap so we shot for that! Plus, I'm 35 so didn't want to wait too much longer.
pineapple / 12793 posts
It just felt like time to add another. I can't really put my finger on what changed, but we were just ready one day.
DDs are two years apart.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
We wanted a 2-3 year age gap. I wasn't ready for awhile though after I had LO, so I knew we would be closer to the 2.5-3 yr gap. I knew I was ready for another when I literally couldn't remember the sleep deprivation and the bad days- even now I try and picture what it was like and I cant, I just look back fondly on the newborn days and beyond and I feel ready to go on that roller coaster again!
eggplant / 11716 posts
We had always planned a 2-3 year age gap--DH was ready for a second when LO was like 3 months, I wanted to wait until closer to 3 years--we compromised and started trying a few months after LO turned 1.
Mentally, I'm still not ready! But I think even when people feel ready, they aren't totally ready. Financially we're good to go, and we are both 34 now, so we know we don't have forever.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
I always knew I needed some recovery from my first pregnancy to get more of myself back. I also wanted to be back to pre-pregnancy weight and make sure we were financially secure. Our children will be right about three years apart.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I wanted a two year age gap but we were barely back on the sex wagon at that point. With weaning and TTC it came out to just over 2.5 years. We didn't want to wait longer because neither of us particularly enjoyed the pregnant/newborn phase and we don't want to drag out that phase of our life.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Not sure. I just wanted another baby lol I'm pretty scared actually but we decided to NTNP and I left it up to God and we'll be due with our second in April!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Dh and I agreed that after E's first birthday we will move to NtNtp. I am excited. We want to keep the spacing for each kids between 18-24 months. However if it happens outside of that its ok too.
cherry / 156 posts
Hah. We went into it saying 2 years apart. Realized "Oh sh*t. That means getting pregnant this July!" and decided 3 years apart was good too. However we weren't all that strict about preventing and our boys are set to be 2 years and 3 months apart. I think it will be a good sibling spacing but I'm a little sad I didn't get to CRAVE having a baby again since we're planning on just two. I really wanted to WANT to be pregnant, give birth and nurse like I did with LO1. That hasn't happened - I still remember too much - but that's ok. It will still be good.
bananas / 9118 posts
We were originally thinking 18 months apart- I am REALLY happy that didn't work out, it took us a while for both #1 and #2, they ended up being 26 months apart.
I am so very glad that our first was walking really well- I can't imagine carrying him around more than I already did. I'm also glad I got a small break in nursing between the two, knowing what I know now, I would have waited longer to give myself more of a break.
Two years apart is both good and bad- my first took the addition of a little brother really hard. It would have been easier on him to either have had #2 at that original 9 months apart because he would have been clueless at 18 months apart or held off until 3 years apart now that he is more mature.
If we go for a third, we won't TTC until our youngest is 2.5 or 3 years old.
bananas / 9118 posts
@caitlanc: you said it perfectly. I'm very over pregnancy and nursing. I feel bad for our youngest because of that I love the hell out of him, but I am not as hung up on all the details and having everything perfect like last time. It is a total blast now that they are interacting (3 years and 10 months). I'm really looking forward to seeing their relationship grow!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I new I wanted my babies close. As soon as I had her I was ready to be pregnant again.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I knew I wanted them 2-2.5 years apart. We started NTNP when LO was 11 months (after my first pp period) and I got pregnant that cycle. They'll be about 20.5 months apart. It took us over a year of actively TTC to get our first, so I was prepared for that, but it was much, much shorter the second time around. Coincidentally, the same month I got pregnant, we also bought a house and I got new job, so even though it happened a bit sooner than expected, everything fell into place.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
We wanted them about two years apart and I wanted a spring baby, If possible (summers suck here). I would've waited if E wasn't STTN or particularly tough, though. We hit a good spell and I felt good TTCing. Being pregnant in the winter with her has been tough, though. My trouble staying pregnant before E urged me to try a little earlier, too
pomegranate / 3577 posts
I guess I took wanting two kids for granted in my head. (I never questioned or considered one and done.) And I'm already old. So two kids 19.5 months apart it is. If we were younger, I'd have probably waited for a 2 or 3 year age gap.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
It took me a while to feel ready for another - I know that for me, if I got pregnant before her 2nd bday I would be feeling really stressed and not ready. Now that she's 2, I feel comfortable TTC and feel that 3 is a good age gap for me and our family.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
We both wanted 2 under 2 with the possibility for more children left open for discussion. We just let things happen, we weren't actively trying but not preventing either.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
We alwayscsaid we wanted two less than two years apart, so we just went for it.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
We always wanted 2, and hoped to have them less than 3 years apart. Age was also not really on our side at 36. I had baby fever for awhile before I was ready, and DH was ready before me. Financially we were fine, but my DH's health and our lack of family in the area held me back. I wasn't sure if I could handle two, or even handle another difficult pregnancy, esp. if my husband's health got worse. What changed my mind, I think, was our LO sleeping through the night, my husband doing well, and a promise I made to myself that I'd let myself take anti-nausea medicine if I needed to, I'd supplement with formula if my supply was low again, and we'd splurge on a housekeeper for awhile if we needed it. Around the time I was getting to this place, DH convinced me to skip using protection, just once. I didn't get pregnant (I sort of knew the timing wasn't right), but when AF was a day or two late, I found myself really hoping she wouldn't show. That sorted cemented for me that I was ready to try. We thought it might take awhile, but I got pregnant right away. Fortunately, I felt ready.
coconut / 8861 posts
I originally wanted a 2 year age gap, but we took our time waiting, mentally and physically preparing for pregnancy again. We decided to go off birth control around a friend's wedding. I feared that if we kept on waiting, we wouldn't try for another or have too big an age gap. We got pregnant a couple months later. We'll have an almost 3 year age gap.
pear / 1739 posts
Never had time to decide. Got a recalled batch of the pill. Didn't know it was recalled til after I found that I was KU. Poor SO had morning sickness for me the morning of graduation! Lol. Having my two 17 months apart wasn't all that bad. I kinda wished Id had a little longer to thoroughly enjoy S before H arrived.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
Our first got to that magical, super fun age, close to 1 yr., and we decided we'd aim for 2-2.5 years apart, figuring it would take a while since it took 8 months the first time. I got pregnant our first cycle of trying, and mine are 1 day shy of 22 months apart. It's pretty fun to have my girls so close in age
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Several things:
- I wanted a decent gap so I wouldn't have two "babies" at the one time
- I didn't want to give up or be unable to breastfeed while Miss A was still a baby.
- I really started to enjoy Miss A at around 12-15 months and I didn't want to compromise that by being pregnant
- On a practical level we had moved in early 2014 and were living in a tiny military house so we needed to be living in a place that could house a second child.
- It took me awhile to get over the first few months of parenthood so I really wasn't ready to think about doing it again until Miss A was a year old.
pineapple / 12566 posts
We always wanted to have 2. We had some major life changes though (2 international moves) between 1 and 2, so we had to wait until we were settled again. Initially, I wanted a closer age gap (2-2.5 years) but I'm *really* happy with our 3 year gap.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
We knew we wanted kids less than 2 years apart, with 18 months being the closest we would want them together. We pulled the goalie when DD1 was 10 months old and two weeks later we had our BFP. DD1 was also the world's easiest baby so we weren't worried about having two under two.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
I always knew I wanted them to be as close together as possible, so there was really no being ready...It took a long time to conceive #1 and I was breastfeeding, so we were NTNP from when LO1 was born.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Danizaur: I am wavering on this decision as well. Some days I am all in and good to go. Others I am perfectly fine with how it is and a little terrified. I am still not sure what the right thing to do is.
pomelo / 5791 posts
We knew we wanted a few kids (more than 2) and I'm not getting any younger, so we started trying after DS turned 15 months. I think we started talking about it after he turned a year old. Before that it wasn't even in question lol There wasn't much debate about it.
persimmon / 1179 posts
We wanted roughly a 2 year gap but not so close that they might share birthdays so we set a time to start trying and got pregnant the first cycle... again. Much to DH's dismay as he wanted to try for a long time hahaha. They will be 2 years, 6 weeks (ish) apart. I had expected a slightly larger gap because I figured it would take us a bit longer to conceive.
persimmon / 1129 posts
We just started trying and our daughter is 16 months old. We knew we wanted 2 years-ish spacing.
I'm definitely not one of those women who loves pregnancy and new baby stage. It was sort of a haze and a struggle for me. Now that we're at the point where she's turning into a fun toddler and sleeping better, I told my husband if we're going to have another kid, we need to get on it because if we wait too much longer I'm going to get cold feet about jumping back into the pregnancy/new baby/no sleep life again.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I knew the timeframe I wanted my kids ideally to be apart (2 1/2-3 years) and I really wanted a spring baby. So the decision came easy to us. I did push it back one month because "I wasn't ready" but haha I moved on from that very quickly. When I get baby fever I get it, and it quickly rubs off on DH, so luckily we have always been on the same page.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
I never actually decided I was ready. We just knew we wanted our kids close in age. In my head, I thought 20 months and that's exactly what I got. I have large age gaps with my siblings which I didn't like and wouldn't want for my kids. My husband was opposite. His mom had 4 kids in 5 years and he loved it. He said it made them very close. So I just worked backwards in my head. Get off the pill when DS1 is 9 months, a couple of months of NTNP, and then go for it. Plus, I'm older so I didn't want to wait a long time in between kids. I also didn't want to get out the baby stage and then have to go back in it.
I'm having a hard time figuring out when I'm ready for #3!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Thanks everyone for the answers! Lots of my reasons to TTC matched with your alls answers too. DH is on board and we've decided to go for it!!
eggplant / 11716 posts
@My Only Sunshine: exact same for me! I just want to get the preggo nausea/early infant days over with.
Dh and I both have older siblings with more than 2 kids and they have all said parenting is so easy once the youngest is 4 or so.....so dang, I can't wait till that stage, haha
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